What the postman brought today (Armorama)

Shipped from Hong Kong February 3, 2022 and arrived via a “Slow Boat from China” on May 9, 2022. :joy:

A BIG box:


And yes, the SWMBO does know, she took delivery! :rofl:


Funnily enough, my SWMBO was in work today when my Scrooge (above) was delivered; I am truly grateful to the delivery gods.


Thank you. I and a bunch of other people will be waiting.


Ahhh, how fortunate for you. In my case I’ll have to pay when she decides to extract her just due. :roll_eyes:

Having spent a couple of hours trying to find as much as I could about the missile (not that any immediate build is nigh I assure you) I managed to re-discover the video I mentioned:

Героическая летопись. ПГРК РТ-20П - YouTube

4 minutes of your life you’ll never get back, and it does jump around a bit; I find the tarped image quite sinister, and the launch sequence is also revealing especially in the discarding of those brackets once it’s clear of the canister. Anyway, you may end up a Scrooge fan!


Oh wow Brian! That is huge. Quite a find. Looking forward to one day seeing that one dominate the Stonehenge Modellers Table!

I must admit it was a pretty good price, but it looks like a complex build that’s for sure.

As for gracing the tables, probabaly aorund 2025 - and I don’t mean nearly half-past eight!


It seems those brackets are there to keep the rocket centered and away from harm when in the launch tube…
Now, we are still waiting for those pictures!

Oh, you got a GREAT price on that kit!

Matthew, I did indeed! The thing is, I stumbled on it completely by accident; I check in on the Panzershop eBay site from time to time just to see what the availability status is on this particular beast, as I’ve been thinking about it for some years. The image of it came up and it slowly dawned on me that this one was up for auction, with, at the time, 48hrs to go; so, a couple of days later and no one else had apparently spotted it, unless, like me, they were waiting for the last safe moment. Lo and behold - I got it! No other bids.

I’ll still have to obtain some Friul T-10 tracks; I think at the time the kit was devised Panzershop included JS 3 tracks, as Friul didn’t back then yet produce T-10 ones, but I can live with that, relatively small outlay.

I’m still chuffed I bagged this!


At least once a year, Panzershop has a sale, both direct from their website and also various kits on Ebay. So it is not unusual that you picked up this kit for a good price; I’ve managed to do the same in the past.

Their website sale is typically in January and is usually somewhere between 25-40% off their kits. And it is usually a few dollars cheaper to order from their site as opposed to Ebay.

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Just to clarify Jon,this was from a modeller who had come to the sad conclusion that he’d never get around to building it(!) No pressure then!

Thanks for the useful ino re the Panzershop sales though - they do some interesting stuff.

Just had a mad tangenital (pardon?) what-if thought: a US equivalent - perhaps a Minuteman (solid fuel so should be a cinch) on a stretched M103 chassis? Or even a Polaris?

This is what happens when you buy a Scrooge!

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Or maybe a Thor missile on a huge stretched Conqueror chassis? Perhaps a bit too big! See Brian, you have me at it now as well!

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Or a Blue Streak…? Aaaargh!

Actually, a Thor would look better, but therein lies complete modelling madness, or as the What-if Brigade would see as their raison d’etre!


Someone responsible for manufacturing this thing is massively overcompensating. Just sayin.


That’s what she said! :grin:


Doug, that may well apply to the sap that bought it!


Just arrived.
Special offer the big H in Lowestoft.
Also got some tracks for it which are going to be rarer than hens teeth from now on.


Small purchases :grin: