What the postman brought today (Armorama)

“I can resist everything except temptation”

“The only way to get rid of a temptation is to yield to it . Resist it, and your soul grows sick with longing for the things it has forbidden to itself, with desire for what its monstrous laws have made monstrous and unlawful.”

Wife wasn’t impressed by my Oscar Wilde quotes regarding their arrival from SprueBrother’s.

The Tamiya KV-2 is pretty impressive like the recent KV-1. Noticed the three piece plastic gun barrel with two halves and was mildly surprised.

However, the RFM Stug IIIG kit made a spectacular impression and appears well worth the $29.99 sale price. Two muzzle brakes, two sets of fenders, three engine decks, two sets of hulls sides and so forth. I’ve read kit can be built as Alkett or Miag and that’s seems pretty reasonable. The kit makes me want to start it immediately! A++ to RFM



Just always wondered,


THAT’S when you know you’ve got a great new kit, when even old dodgers like us want to immediately clear the bench to start it!

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This arrived today. The plan is to make it as though all the rockets have been fired off.


Little something


'Love the quote - explains fully as to why I acquired the Scrooge recently; actually build it? Ah…

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Any idea if that Siyur kit comes with the windshield? I’ve been eyeballing that kit for the extra goodies, but I don’t plan on building it as an IDF vehicle.

Do it! Strike while the iron is hot and the mojo is strong. Otherwise, if you are like me and leave it, its going to sit in the stash for the next 3 years :rofl:


You get all the parts from regular m 38, windshield included.


Only 3 years? That’s short! I have kits I bought early this century and haven’t built them yet … :shushing_face:


If you don’t want to build an IDF vehicle, you need to purchase the U.S. kit M38A1C with U.S. M40A1 106mm recoiless rifle AFV Club AF35S19

At the risk of hijacking the thread, what are the differences between the two vehicles?

The most important difference is the price! :smiling_face:details and decals in my opinion;In the IDF version, you have the option of making 2 different vehicles

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Oh yeah. That stuff I know. The RR won’t be IDF but I might do the radio truck up as one. Thanks though Piotr.

Well said, there kits in my stash was enthusiastic about getting to build in 1988, that are still in the stash.

Time to break my “current” of finish two old “Shelf of Shame” project before starting another. Need to get the modeling fires :fire: going again!

Some kits in my stash are from the last century. :sunglasses:


That’ll do nicely thank you! I couldn’t resist this Leo at only 25 quid. This type has a particular resonance in a way as I remember espying them on rail flats at Bremerhaven when my HQ was returning to the UK from exercise in the mid-70s. We – that is my fellow soldiers – were over them like a rash. We were all sort of kit (that is, military equipment not scale models) mad back then and anything different was exciting – or was that just me?

I am aware of this kit’s shortcomings but will set to sometime; most likely to be depicted on exercise and scrimmed up as was the norm. I have a Valkyrie figure earmarked as the Commander; I think I’ll probably model the rest as closed-down. The excellent Tankograd publication “Heeresuebungen 1970er” provides further inspiration though I remember seeing the real thing on exercise often enough.


After watching @rfbaer and @MB6400 doing and researching their Ch1 builds I just couldn’t help myself…

So a quick trip to a local store (not a dedicated model shop, more a old fashioned general store, but they have a toy dept, with a small (prob 200 to 250 kits of all scales and types ) but decent supply of kits. And this was one I knew they had … So…

It won’t be done straight away as I don’t need to research it as it will be a redo of my 42 C/S. The other one I did was a kit I bought years ago that had been started and I just couldn’t be doing with correcting all the issues…
On this one I will be going in deep lol, super detailing and the PE set plus at least 2 of the very nice Ch1 kits from @scorpion MM and @Michael_Shackleton … The order will definitely be coming :+1::+1:


One speedy defector arrived… must’ve jumped ship and swam here on his own! :swimming_man:t2:
Ordered from eBay in China May 7… Estimated delivery July 1… Arrived May 26. Totally out-ran the Tracking Police!

Welcome to America! :us:


Man that kit got upgraded to First Class! That’s amazing!