What the postman brought today (Armorama)

You are correct, but its of the SSys 4-axle 50-ton car, not the 6-axle. The T-Model kit of the SSys is above the Sabre kit.

Ah, we were talking past eachother :slight_smile: Sorry for misunderstanding you!

We are both correct! I missed the Sabre model kit below, and was confused by everyone talking about the SSyms 60-ton 6-axle when there isn’t one in that pile :slightly_smiling_face:

Both are kits of the SSys 50-ton, one from Sabre, one from T-Model. Both kits have there merits - the T-Model kit is missing some underside structural elements that are on a separately available PE set (unless you got the limited edition kit that included it), but the Sabre kit does not have as nice of details on the bogies.

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Wow! Very nice…

That’s how we talked! Everyone was talking about their own! :smile:

@165thspc mentioned the 6 axled wagon made by Sabre
@iflytb20 asked if that would be the SSyms
I provided a picture of it (sort of community service)

Full frontal view of the Sabre kit in that pile


Like the Cavalry, ‘Scale Hobbyist’ came through with my Evergreen Styrene and a few more re-up supplies! :notes: :notes: :notes::trumpet:

And 1/72 scale? :thinking:“To boldly go where no man has gone before!” :rocket: … Well, not “this man” at least. :mag::sweat_smile:

Happy modeling to all, and to all scales delight! :mag: :hammer_and_wrench:


I might go for it also. Not to build it, just to have it …
Btw. Latvia is a beautiful country, been there 3 times now, very friendly people … :latvia:


Every time I see someone unbox a CSM kit I tell myself I need to get one. They look exquisite. Remind me very much of Gecko

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They are exquisite

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CSM is a lot like Gecko in the finesse of the parts and all the really fine detail, but without Gecko’s high parts count and fiddlyness. In the States, Copper State Models is carried by Michigan Toy Soldier.

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Another M54 and some Mr Surfacer to try out.


More tools. :hammer_and_wrench:

I constantly found myself reaching for chisels. The chisels I owned got lost on a job site long ago. And dem chisels ain’t cheap! Since I couldn’t justify buying real chisels again for my current model chiseling needs, I found these cheap chisels from China!

‘Tang’s Carving Knife’ :axe:



That is a very complete looking set. Cool

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More fodder for digital camouflage attempts…


Santa came by and dropped off his initial shipment:

Sargent York is still on its way however. Pretty darn excited about the M48s!! Many months of waiting…
The Dragon half track is a departure from my normal but looked cool and brought back the memories of the old Tamiya kit so went ahead and bought it.


My Hobby Link ship has come in:

I’ll post some pictures of the D7 Rome plow kit contents later.


Some Rome plow kit contents:

Check out the control levers with the attached hydraulic hoses and operator’s seat:

As a guy who’s replaced more than a few Lucas Diesel injection pumps on late model 6 cylinder CAT engines in Bluebird school buses, this looks pretty accurate to me, even though this is a 4 cylinder.

Tracks and pins. Sorry for the industrial lighting; I don’t know how I’m gonna get all this stuff back in the box as it is, otherwise I would have opened more bags.


My A3’s arrived today. Holy cow the box is big. Same size as the Takom 1/16 Jeep kit and that is not a small box.


Great looking prints. My wallet is crying already.