What the postman brought today (Armorama)

Today the post delivered a beautiful Mi- 4 in 1/35 scale . This is thanks to a great member on here who was very generous with the cost .
Also some cool Armorama swag for being a Patron .


Awesome addition to the stash!!!

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Now we’re talking! I’d really like to know how this goes down.

looks like you’re high and to the right . . . down one, left two, fire for effect.
LOL nice little kit :grinning:

Cajun :crocodile:


This will end up being one of my scratch build super monster builds.

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Great - look forward to it all! My own projects always get mired in as I fly off at tangents; for some strange reason (as usually I’m a dedicated Cold War modeller) I have a hankering to tackle the Thunder Model’s Kaetzchen. What is wrong with me??!!

I can tell you now some of the other Thunder models kits I have done are really nice. They do require some small scratch work.
I can also tell you that the interior on their Katzcen is incorrect.
This I know after research and scratch building one .

Yeah, nothing much seems logical; I’m also struggling with the construction sequence - or it might just be me - but I’m constantly having to revise and then paint then build, then go back and paint again. Not much fun at all. I also note the complete absence of any exhaust system, but then again, as I see it, it will have to be a 3rd Reich '46 vehicle I think, so I suppose I can please myself in a way.

To add to my woes, I opted for MasterClub metal tracks; they too are trying my patience. Sometimes the modelling gods just decide to vent their spite!

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Used the last of my Long Service Bonus on a few items and they arrived today. A bit of an eclectic mix of themes, covering WW1 to Modern, as unlike some people that have narrow genre preferences my genre is “Whatever takes my fancy”:

Gun barrels for Takom MK 1 tank (kit ones are way out), gun mount for Takom BV206, radio masts for British WW2 vehicles (can finally finish the Miniart AEC now), barrels for Meng Rolls Royce Armoured car’s guns (the Lewis Barrel looks sensational!) and a scraper designed to remove seam lines, especially from from 2 part barrels without leaving a flat profile - interested to see if it works…

The FC items are my first foray into buying 3D printed stuff. To the naked eye these look very good.


The voyager scrapper is one of my favourite tools, not only for barrels but for much more often for any cylindrical part.

Hope you find it as useful as I do!

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I am slowly gathering 1/16 items to fashion my future build of M-ATV and Maxxpro. So yesterday the postman dropped of my latest package from BNA Model World. I was surprised how fast it was delivered to my address in US from Australia. This was my second order from them and I think it will not be my last. :grinning:


Also, to follow up with above post. This week started off good as Monday I received my eBay purchase of Italeri 1/32 F-104A/C. I purchased this on 26th July and it arrived on 9th Aug all the way from Estonian.

A personal note; I purchased this kit for around $110 taxed/shipped and after looking in the box I think it’s not worth that much. Don’t get me wrong, I like what’s inside but the amount of plastic they added it’s not worth the price they are asking. It should be far less.


Ha ha, Mike, that is where my package came from.

The guys are fast and very helpful. Their packaging boxes are sturdy too.

Looking forward to seeing those 1/16th builds you propose!

@petbat Peter, you know what, you are right about them packing items well. This time my box was bit large so they stuffed it with more crumbled paper sheets to save it from rattling. I am thoroughly happy with their service.

As for the 1/16 subjects, I am hoping to start them soon. I think I have enough to make them look busy.


It doesn’t look like any of the hobby sellers in the US carry these. Has anyone found them at a place like sprue brothers or scalehobbyist? I can get it through ebay but would prefer to just piggyback them on some other order…

They have them at Majin Hobby

I have ordered from them just recently for Gun Primer tools.

Phil, If you are looking to buy from a hobby site where you can bundle up some purchases, try BNA Model world here in Australia - See Mike’s (Stryker45) post above. They have them for about $38 USD:

On exchange rate, a couple of dollars more that Majinhobby but if you are bundling, may work out for you.

Ordered an Academy kit in l1/35 Panzer III J North Africa after reading good comments on the kit by forum members.

The kit arrived today.


I read that as ‘Single Blade Nipple’ at first.

Not even sure what that would look like.

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image ???

Maybe an upgrade from machine guns for the fembots in Austin Powers?

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