What the postman brought today (Armorama)

At our AMPS meeting last night a member off loaded this kit that I will use for the Bulgarian Campaign plus some more paint brushes. It’s a ICM kit in a Tamiya boxing with some more stowage and figures.


Do you think it will be easier to assemble now that it is in a Tamiya boxing?
Inquisitive mind wants to know :innocent:


It has to be going from a tier 4 to tier 1 company….right……right. I mean it’s Big T, add some glue and shake box to make a kit, that s what they all say. :woozy_face:

How do you turn a Russian pig/goat/sheep/bear into tasty beef steak?

Put it in a Tamiya Box :package: :grinning:.

If it’s been packed in Japanese AIR and humidity from the land of Yamato: this has an effect on styrene similar how the Japanese process takes cows and turn them into Waygu beef vs just beef.

Of course for Kobe grade it takes a 100 percent :100:Tamiya designed & manufactured kit.

That should shed a few tiers :cry::sob::crying_cat_face:


Thanks for the info… Since it won’t be my my first build, I think I’ll manage the instructions allright :wink:

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Mr. Tamiya himself rose from the grave and blessed this kit. Tamiya-willing, it will build easily. But do not anger the spirit of Mr. Tamiya or a bunch of Great Hobbies employees will break into your house and steal all your extra thin cement.



True Dat:)

Annoyed kami spirits have been know to loosen the bottle caps on the Extra Thin so it slowly evaporated unknown to the modeler. Rumors say Kami will also dull hobby blades and hide small PE parts.


Picked this up today from AMS paints and supplies, looks like a nice kit, along with some paint for my two current projects…


Kami Spirits! They will move your PE so that it dries crooked, securely fastened at the wrong angle by the CA. They will run you out of paint, the week before a show that you need the model for, with mail order being your only source. They ensure that an X-Acto knife always falls point down…


Oooo, ahhh… nice.

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Over the past week or so several 1/35 armor decal sets that I’ve ordered came in…

For OIF1 M1A1s… I’ll be using the NATO camo 2/70 Armor markings

for 5th ID 4/12 Cav M113 & M551 in Vietnam

and lastly, for USMC M26 & M26A1 Pershing’s in Korea


Fresh additions to the stash/supplies drawer:

The Sd.Kfz.7 purchase was planned long ago- I already have one- unbuilt and destined for the Acht-Acht I built last year, but I needed a second one for the A-19 Corps Gun I intend to build some day.

The razor saw handle comes as a logical addition to the range of CMK razor saws, I’m using quite frequently lately.

Both weathering products will help me finish this subject:

Tamiya’s Buff is a replenishment- my Windwagen is sprayed in Portland Stone and while mixing Mike Starmer’s recipe I found I’m running unacceptably low on Tamiya Buff.
As a side note- I feel obliged to call out Peter @petbat for the tip to add Tamiya’s Flat Clear in 1 to 1 ratio to the ready Portland Stone mix! Thanks, mate :beer:



Went to the local IPMS show today and grabbed some goodies. My Local Hobby store also has their annual customer appreciation day today with some good discounts and clearance items. Got a reasonable haul of armour.


The kit was bought as I’ve had some aftermarket PE for it for a while. Might try out some new (to me) techniques. Other bits for a diorama as well.


Stopped by HobbyLobby and didn’t get any kits and they had some decent kits. My covid test came back negative so not sure what the issue was. Did buy some tools so all was not lost.

Had also ordered some new paintbrush’s that arrived.


Ryan, Those swabs are nice but they are not for your nose. :sneezing_face:


No problem there, they remind me of the covid test swabs. Besides I am not ready to retire the fingers just yet. :scream::face_vomiting::crazy_face:


End of 45 Year Quest - Space 1999 Hawk Acquired :sunglasses:

On a more armor worthy note, over on Missing-Lynx, Zimmerit guru Ron Owen Hayes shared that Apoxi-Sculpt worked even better than my all time favorite Milliput Superfine White using basically the same texturing techniques.

So I had to order some Apoxi-Sculpt


45 years? Why so long?

Couldn’t find the kit when I was a kid :slight_smile:

In the mid 1990’s found one at a hobby shop and they wanted $150 for it. Didn’t want that bad :confused:

Other kits took priority later when it was back in production :slight_smile:

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