Winter Wonderland

Ugh. Builders Block. It hits everybody at times. I went through a 6 month period where I looked at my bench and had absolutely no desire to sit down at it. Went on Armorama every day to get my fix, though. But never felt like building. Then one morning I woke up, felt like cracking a new kit, picked one out, and got to building. Simple as that it was over. So don’t sweat it Ron, hang loose and the mojo will return.


You know, I’m suddenly hearing all new things about Flory Clay Washes, and they’re new to me, but apparently they’ve been around forever. Are they just getting re-discovered? Are they really that brilliant? I hesitate to buy them because a water based wash would completely change my 50 year old established weathering process, but maybe that’s a good thing…
Who all is using Flory washes and are they that good?

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I ordered 3 to try them, after using them last night, I ordered 6 more.

For you fellow Americans, High Altitude Hobbies is Flory’s North America distributor for his products.


@Tank_1812 @Damraska @SSGToms I was in such a good flow, but the holidays broke that. It is the way I roll; when I get into a flow I just keep going… untill that is disrupted.
Getting back into one can be a challenge.


A mate over here recommended them to me as he does lots of aircraft and used them mostly on those. Being water/clay based , you can leave them for 45 min or overnight and wash / thin down to the desired level, and if you dont like it, just wash them off and start again. I only have the one at the moment, but used it on my sunk T72 and being clay based, it does give it a genuine real dirty look. They do about 5 different types of wash I think. Just watched that link from Floridabucco, so I may order that box set now :+1:

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Mini Hobby Models, eh?
Might be a company worth following. After all, my first introduction to Academy was their copies of Tamiya Centurions. Not they’re a damned fine company in their own right.

Same. Motivation is there but work got insane right around the holidays and has only gotten worse.

Moving along with my Panzer IV build; I started applying the Zimmerit provided in the kit. The Zimmerit is made by DEF Models and applies exactly the same way as on my Sturmitger build…

The missing spots will be patches where the zimmerit would fell off as “field damage”. I also noticed that the DEF ZImmerit decals work best on an unpainted surface, rather than on a primed surface, but so far, the decals have held steady. Still need to finish the Zimmerit around the gun mantle, then focus on the hull decals, which will be a challenge, since i glued the spare tracks on the hull, so i will have to cut the decal around the spot where the spare tracks would be on the hull.


I’m in with the original Honemits 1/20 “MaK Female Mercenary Commander” bought from Japan. I hope to finish it by the deadline.


She looks like she would be pretty cold!


@SableLiger The zimmerit looks really good!
@Trisaw Cool MaK-figure! She should look pretty cool when painted. Any particular ideas that would make her look “in the cold”?

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I made it!!

I dragged my sorry carcass to the table and finished the last few bits; a semipainted figure, 2 fuelcans, a crate a Brengun and a tarp roll.

I found the figure in a sparesbox, no idea where I got it from or who painted it.

One paintingsession later:

And the final result;


@Floridabucco You’re correct in that she doesn’t appear to wear winter clothing! :grinning:

I wanted to build her because I built and painted this 1/20 MaK figure back in 2016 that I think is more suited for the winter climate.

The rifle is from Shapeways and the base is a wargaming snow base. Other than that, it was built OOTB.

===Not for the Winter Campaign. For showcase example only===


As such, I can offer another 1/20 MaK figure that is more “insulated” against the cold for the Winter Campaign as the 1/20 “Female Mercenary Commander” looks like she’s wearing Summer clothing.

How about this one? I think that this one would be more suitable for the Winter Campaign and I’ll just place the “Female Mercenary Commander” back in the box for another time. Please let me know your thoughts. Thanks! :grinning:


Hey you never know…look at all the Germans in the Russian winter without winter clothes.



The woman would look good next to a suit, though.


Congratulations on finishing your project! The tarps and equipment add a really nice splash of color. I’ve been watching a lot of World War II film reels of late and the white wash looks realistic.


Nice Build Ron,

With the last of the ice/snow melting today i decided i call my build done.

1st of January i took this AVD model ZIL-131 DE-210 snowplow version out of the stash

I was very surprised that is was such an easy build with no fitting problems what so ever so easy was the build that i could start priming soon after.

and some pre-shading

looking at some you tube video’s of the actual thing working and some reference foto’s i decided that it needed to be a various of (Russian) green with some snow naturally

some oils and Tamiya deck tan to close out the painting

then the snow “hollow glass beats” used,… some brands sell it as snow and charge a bit more but it’s cheaply acquired with resellers in resin molding shops

and today in the outdoor cold with the last of the ice in the garden

Next week it seems to be 10+ here in the Netherlands so just in time :slight_smile:

Thanks for the campaign Ron



Looks good!
We had -27C and up to 75cm of snow, so it’ll be a while before we see bare ground again. That snowplow of yours would have come in handy. :wink:


Ron, your Churchill looks fantastic! The whitewash is the most authentic I have seen in years and the sheets are a brilliant idea. Excellent detail throughout and the soldier adds a splash of color to break up the finish. Outstanding model!