Winter Wonderland

Hi Everyone,

Lots of really nice builds going on here! Though I must admit the flying side of things is a bit underrepresented, let’s remedy that. During my last update, I’d pretty much gotten most of the airframe together on the I-16. Since then quite a bit of progress has been made.

I was able to fenagle the engine and cowl onto the fuselage, however, in the process most of the flimsy exhausts became dislodged. It was at this point that getting these to fit properly with the cowling closed would be quite a feat. I figured that I’d deal with them a bit further down the build, and focused on getting things closed up.

Once the cowling was assembled correctly, I added the stabilizers and the rudder. Then it was onto a few filling and sanding sessions.

The worst of the gaps were at the wing/fuselage mating area. On this plane there was no mating seam, being constructed entirely of wood in this area. Using some 10 thousand stock strip cut down to fit into the gap and then using Mr. Surfacer 500 to fill the gap. This took four sessions, and the tail and underside fuselage wing mating area took three sessions. The cowling area took two. All in all it wasn’t as bad as it seemed, though I’d had higher hopes for a better fit. Oh well.

Following the airframe clean-up, the exhausts became a priority. Fortunately for me I like to walk the neighborhood, and on one of my walks I came across a piece of discarded wire. The wire turned out to be the exact diameter of the kits exhaust pipes. Lucky me! By cutting the wire to a suitable length I found that by pushing the wire forward I got a fairly believable looking exhaust. These were mounted up into the cowl, and using reference photos I was able to get the angles and appearance to look correct. Getting a couple of them to line up was tricky, until I opted to use a stabilizing bar (toothpick) to hold the wire in place until the superglue cured.

At this point I decided to construct the landing gear and attach it, since the underside would all be a light blue, I felt this would make life easy. Of all the construction on this kit, the landing gear is the most challenging. Primarily due to exceptionally thin and accurately scaled struts. These are very fragile and require lots of patience. At the end of the process your rewarded with accurate and fairly sturdy landing gear.

With a completed airframe it was time to paint! I started with the underside, and painted it using Air Superiority Blue, MC 74 diluted 1:4 with leveling thinner. It’s a nice light blue that after weathering will look the Soviet part. Next was to do the uppers in the Soviet green. Here I was a bit clueless and took a SWAG (scientific wild arse guess) and used Mr. Color 135 Russian Green (1) which is claimed to be for USSR tanks, early. Once painted it looked a bit too light, though I didn’t sweat it since I would be mimicking a whitewash and some pretty hard-core post weathering. Since everything would be whitewashed, I didn’t do all the black basing for the green, although I did mock the method, doing the squiggly green and then overcoating with the green. Then began the interesting part of the paintjob, the whitewashing.

I intentionally went a bit light on the white, since there will be a lot of post weathering. I think up next will be some clear coats and the decals. So far, the big highlight of this build was the whitewashing, as it’s something that I’ve never attempted before. That said, there’s still pitfalls to watch out for, though I’m really enjoying the build!

Till next time, be safe, wash your hands and have fun!


While moving back and forth between builds, I came up with an idea for working with the tedious RFM Winterketten tracks

I’m using the track jig from Tamiya’s PzIV to put the tracks in place to make gluing them easier.

Top rung of OEM Tamiya tracks section of tracks in places I it says .

Top rung of RFM Winterketten tracks after gluing on jig.

I hope this will make a huge difference in putting the tracks on the lower hull.


New update on the Panzer IV Ausf. H build… FInished adding the DEF MOdels zimmerit decals. Looks really good with it’s applique armor on.

Had to do a bit of trimming and fitting to go around the spare tracks that i wounded before adding the zimmerit. Nothing too complicated, but save yourself the aggravation by just adding the spare tracks AFTER applying the zimmerit.

I also changed the decal solution I’m using from Tamiya Mark Fit to Micro Sol. Incredible difference; you can tell by looking at the zimmerit applied to the turret (using Tamiya Mark Fit) and the hull (using Microscale Micro Sol)

Painting the base color, then will paint a top coat of white and light gray for the winter wash camo, then use some black and brown washes to “dirty up” everything.

More to come. :slight_smile:


Slow work on the tracks.

Using Tamiya’s assembly instructions from their PzIV and the jig to get the right bend on the tracks. Is slow going. Trying to make everything fit as it should.


You’re crackin’ it with this one! Awesome!

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More winterketten action.

I’ll be done with the left side of the tracks by the weekend, then will focus on the right side quickly.


Man, those look good! Must be driving you insane by now, huh.


Just a little. It’s slow going because i have to divide my time between work and the myriad of other “adulting” I have to contend with :rofl:. But when I find time to sit down on the workbench and work on these tracks, i am in the zone.

Using emery boards to get them nice and flat before applying the glue; then attaching the section to the already completed part, fiddling with them a little to make sure they are in the right position.

It’s a chore, but the end result is worth the effort. :smiley:


Basic Panzergrau coat to act as canvas for the whitewash.


Ater having painted the details I added the decals… they are now waiting for dirt and snow…

And I noticed one of the towing cables snapped at the corner… tricky bending…


Nice job on both merks… Shame they’ll end up covered in snow.


Looking good!
Maybe go light on the snow?

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Yes I think I won’t be throwing lots of snow on them, they turned out a lot nicer than I expected…

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Just an observation here folks but I think I got up to post 115 before I saw anything with snow on it. Let’s see more winter camo and some snow!

Not intended as a contender here - this one built many moons ago, before the currently available models.

Working now on a snow scene dio to go with.

p.s. This one is ECHI from the firewall forward, Revell on back and the PAK 38 gun and crew are both Dragon with repositioned figures. White camo is grade school Tempera paint.



Don’t worry, my MiG-3 is coming soon - lots of winter white wash :slightly_smiling_face:




My finished build was in nr. 132… and one has to complete a kit, before snow or camo can be applied…

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Hi Everyone,

A little update on the I-16. I gave the bird a nice clear coat of Mr. Color clear (lacquer), and applied the kits decals. The decals were pretty good, going on nicely and snuggling down with a coat of Mr. Softener. I then sealed them with another coat of clear. I then gave the plane a wash of burnt umber oil paint. Then added some exhaust stains using black oil paint. The more I work with these oil paints, the more I find that I can do, and if I mess up, all can be diluted or even removed using turpentine (in my case, though mineral spirits seems to be the preferred method). So, for me, I played with the oils to weather the plane, though I could have gone harder, I’m still on a learning curve, so I restrained myself.

Getting close to putting this one to bed. Up next the fiddly bits, guns and pitot and nav lights. This has been a most enjoyable build!

Till next time, be safe, wash your hands and have fun!


Decals and first coat of white are done. I used a bit of creative license here and this is not depicting a particular vehicle. I used oversized decals, as was usual with captured equipment althou they doo look a bit silly, like 1979s film prop.


Nice progress, Jacob. The crosses do look overscale, but could easily be historically correct.

I remember the pictures of a captured SU-100 with the cross filling the whole superstructure side.

Looking forward to see more :slightly_smiling_face:

Started with the base for the Merkava’s…