Winter Wonderland

Continuing with a SLOOOOW buildup of the whitewash camo.


Coming along nicely!

The difference a wash makes…

And working on a bit of stowage in the baskets…


Daily life has prevented me from modeling, but I did manage to glue a WAVE Gundam parts disc to the center back of my MaK figure. I have since painted it with Vallejo black primer.

The 3-D printed gun will be glued to the back over the disc. I didn’t want a shoulder strap covering the details on the front of the figure t so I devised the “electromagnetic disc” to secure the rifle to the back of the figure without any rifle straps and slings.

I also drybrushed the figure with MIG Ammo white drybrush paint.


I’m almost finished with the base…I just need to repaint the bronze edge and touch up the white snow.

I used Vallejo snow terrain putty over a 3-D printed base that was premade with very sparse snow, tuffs, and rocks…the black of the 3-D resin showed. I added Army Painter Frozen Tuffs and AK Interactive’s ice sparkles.


I don’t think I’ll make the cut with my Panzer IV; I’m still working on it, but don;t think I’ll make it. :frowning:

Read SableLiger’s comment, looked at the campaign header, and realized my spreadsheet has the wrong end date for Winter Wonderland–18 days instead of 48. :flushed: Whoops!

Ahhhh…yeah. My model is built but painting and finishing 3 campaign models in 18 days including two entire paint jobs…that’s not gonna happen. :face_with_diagonal_mouth:

I’m definitely not going to make it. :upside_down_face:

Same. Life got in the way and I haven’t even finished hull assembly on my Easy Eight. Tried to transfer the build to the Shermania campaign but got no response.

Oh well.


I have a Ryefield Firefly i want to build for the “Shermania” Campaign and i haven;t even touched it. :frowning:

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Covered the base with AK mud pastes… added treebark and garden pebbles as rocks… used some DAS clay and made the track marks, that still needs colour, looks nice and bright orange now :grin:… and added the first snow…


My MiG-3 is heading for the paint both. I am going to use AK’s soviet aircraft colors.

More to follow :slightly_smiling_face:


Think I will call this finished, all that is left is to add antennae… less snow than I was thinking of at the start, but felt it was a pitty to cover these Merkava’s with a lot of snow…

Remember that I started with a Tamiya kit and a Chinese klone… hard to spot which is which now…

@RonW thanks for the great campaign, made me build something I had been thinking of for quite a while :+1:


You’re welcome!
The result looks superb!!


Looks Great! What product did you use for the fine snow on the tanks?

@RonW The campaign deadline counter on the Topic thread says, “Ends on 12 days” but the deadline is April 30th, 2024. So…isn’t that more than 30 days before the deadline?

Wait…I see an April 1st and an April 30th deadline. Technically…it is Spring so a big difference in terms of 12 days to over 30 days left. :grinning:


No idea where the april 30th came from, but I think we can run with the extension, right?


I think that will make a lot of difference to the participants out there. Over 30+ days is a great buffer.

I am almost done with mine, but an extra month does help.

And it’s tax season in the USA so that comes first above all else. @RonW


Thanks!! its all AK: Terrain Snow: looks like shaving cream, for basic snow layer; Snow Sprinkles: spreadable for old snow or melted snow; Ice Sparkles: looks like salt to be sprinkled on the snow sprinkles gives an icy effect; Snow Microballoons: also like salt to be sprinkled onto the terrain Snow, gives the effect of fresh new snow. And I also used AK Still water and AK puddles, and made different mixes of them all, to create different effects.


ICM Studebaker U56 U4: First few rounds of painting are done.

Will try to finish on time.


Crew nacelle assembled… I have some fitting issues, and the Montex mask doesn’t adhere perfectly.

by Rodolfo Masti, on Flickr

by Rodolfo Masti, on Flickr

by Rodolfo Masti, on Flickr

by Rodolfo Masti, on Flickr