Wish List of New Modern Kits for 2021- your top 5?

with the Honest John we would finally have a main stream ten ton truck chassis to start with. Then shorten it to do a ten ton wrecker and a dump truck. They have different wheel basis, but the running gear are similar. Ten ton wreckers were very common in my era

Would love to see a M54 gun truck like “Ace of Spades” or Black Widow" in plastic. (Im looking at you AFV Club…)


These would be the next logical step for AFV Club. We shall see. They would be pretty easy to make yourself though. Get out the styrene sheets. There are already quite a few decal sets for them from Echelon, which include templates for all the armor plate as well.

Some examples:

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Oooh thats cool, I didn’t know it came with an armor plate template. Maybe I’ll buy one of these so I can build another gun truck later this year.
Happy birthday by the way.

Thank you.

@vettejack John,

I feel pretty happy as most of my modern wish list has been provided.

Still waiting on 1. BMP-2E - to replace Dragon’s old 1990’s kit.

Thank you Trumpeter 2. T-62 both Arab and Russian versions.

Thank you AFV Club 3. M113 and family

Thank you Takom 4. M60 family (M60, M60A1, M60A1 w/ERA M60A2, M60A3)

Thank you Takom 5. Chieftain!

Thank you Trumpeter 6. T-72M2 ERA to replace the old Dragon kit. Please please with a correctly shaped turret.

While not modern I would love to see a state of the art 1942 STZ T-34 w/the extra welded on scrap armor plates for the front and turret. Really wish Ryefield Models would given their excellent T-34-85 kits.

The old Cyberhobby/Dragon just doesn’t quite cut it.


Wade mentioning the M113 family reminds me of another kit I would love in plastic.

1/35 M113 ADATS


I would love to see an early T-72.


I’m with Ezra with the M113 ADATS… Looks very cool.

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Can you live with a resin ADATS?

Ooh yah I can defiantly live with it! Its just the price… around $100 USD…

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Living is quite expensive these days, Ezra


Some swedish stuff in 1/35 styrene:

  • Strv 74
  • Ikv 91
  • Strv 104
  • Pbv 302
  • Pbv 301

and as a bonus: Strv 122 (the Hobby Boss effort leaves a lot to desire)


At least one is on the way! :slight_smile:

It is a matter or priorities.
If you can buy two kits at $50 you can afford a single kit at $100
Don’t forget the M113 base kit …


Oooh nice. Thx for the headsup.

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According to coworkers that served the East-German NVA, PZSH was nicknamed PusZta-ScheissHaus or more polite Puszta outhouse.

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ZIS/BAV-485 (similar to a DUKW), Ferret armored car, OT-64, EE-9 Cascavel, and the Panhard M3, any and all variants.

I wish some compagnies would bring out the announced kits like, the Dragon Saracen or Tiger Model ERC 90 ‘Sagaie’

For now I’m happy with the Amusing Strv104, Aoshima 3 1/2t Truck (SKW-477) and the hobby japan’s FH-70 …

As for my wishlist :

Unimog 404
DKW Munga
MAN 630
LEOPARD 1 ‘biber’


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Hi Hermann,

Great! In the Hungarian Army the PSzH nickname was “Rabbit-Bus” as the mechanized infantrymen were mocked as “rabbits” or “bush-jumpers”…

I have no information about the modern time mocking. It is a different army, anyaway.
