Xm-1 fsed

Okay boys I’m doing it, I’ve got the Panda M1IP which comes with all the parts to do a basic M1. I’ve got pretty much all the views I need except a clear view of the blowout panels, they’re very different then the production M1’s. I also need some advice of how to make the ammo feed chute for the commander machine gun, there’s some complex curves going on there.
This is what I have for the blowout panels, if anyone has a better pic, I would appreciate it.


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That’s where I got the pic I have! Looks like an undercut of some sort, around the perimeter of each panel. Center panel is bigger and outer panels are much slimmer. It’s making me crazy. And maybe a bunch of separate panels n the middle?

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I’ve been scrounging the internet for about a week, one thing I noticed is that information on the XM-1 and XM-1 FSED are intermixed a great deal.

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I did the same when I built my own. I had to cut the rear panels from an M1A1 turret and scratch the blow-off panels to replicate the M1IP “long turret” upgrade.

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Yup, knew that was gonna happen, the FSED has the rear turret “extension” on the bottom, some some surgery required there too

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And here’s the ammo feed chute I mentioned

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Coming along, very slowly, but surely


We (the US Army Armor & Cavalry Collection) have both a LRIP and an M1IP on the display floor. I’ll be there 2 November for an Open House and model show (AMPS!). IF you’ll send me a message, I’ll climb up (I’m a docent/volunteer) and see if I can grad relevant pics.


Ted, I greatly appreciate your offer, but I think I’m good now. I stumbled on Toadmans Tank Pictures and found exactly what I needed, pics of the turret from every angle.


Oh Toadman is one of the best. You’ll have fun. I look forward to seeing your project: I first saw the XM1 on Fort Know when I was a young Lieutenant. I later commanded the Breach Team for my Brigade from an M1IP, and closed out my commands in an M1A1 Cav unit. WOnderful memories of a great Duty.


Spelling -1

Fort Knox and Wonderful! LOLZ


I was wondering… :rofl:

Did more work on this over the weekend, what’s kicking my butt, for some reason, are the squared off antenna mounts, just can’t get the shape and angles right


Nice project and great job on those blow off panels.


Thanks, I damn near went blind with all those bolt heads


I have the Meng bolt heads and yeah, I know what you mean.