Your figure just keeps improving!

I found some time to spray on primer and, for the heck of it, also sprayed on white to create highlights and shadows. I fully expect the decals to cover all of this up, but it does make the detail pop and will be useful on the heads.

After I took this pic I noticed the heads had no separation between the CVC and the liner holding the headphones, so I carved that in and resprayed both heads. Now inching toward decaling.


Time to catch up with everyone’s posts.

Karl187, thanks for the compliment.

justsendit, thanks also for the kindness.

john41492, much appreciated. Thanks.

DeskJockey, I like the zenithal highlighting.

Thanks everyone for being an inspiration. Keep having fun.


Final on my Necrons from the Warhammer 40K universe.

I added the 2 scarab drones to the scene.

The Necrons have slept for millions of years. Now they are awaking.

They awake on their tomb worlds to retake the galaxy.

Being immortal spirits inhabiting terminator armor suits and possessing God-like weaponry makes them an unstoppable foe.

The old adage applies…Never disturb
the dead…for any reason.

Das ist alles! Thanks for viewing. Comments and suggestions are welcomed. Next up will be the Tyranids. They are a ferocious locust-like species that only want to devour worlds. Yikes!!!


Great portrayal of the Necrons there Bill. The earth and metallic paint colors contrast nicely with the bright vegetation and the green portions on the Necrons.

I started applying the camo decals to the figures last week, and here’s what they look like. I used the Shinsengumi decals on the figure to the left, and the Crossdelta decals on the figure to the right.

The Shinsengumi decals are very stiff and a bit thick. They don’t conform to detail easily and tear when you try to press them down. They ended up covering a lot of the detail on the figure, as you can see by comparing it to the other one. The Crossdelta decals are much thinner and very pliable. They snuggled down nicely with Solvaset (take a look at the pants pocket in the second picture), but still obscure some detail. On the downside, the Crossdelta decals wrinkled badly (even before I used decal setting solution) because of the folds. The wrinkles were mostly vertical and look out of place. Solvaset diminished them a bit, but not enough.

Color-wise, the Crossdelta ones are far more accurate, to my eye, but still not right. They look like a very faded UCP uniform. The Shinsengumi decals are way off–the colors are not very close, even for a brand-new UCP uniform.

I’ve decided that neither set of decals is going to work for the torsos, so I’ve ordered some paints to tackle the UCP camo. Wish me luck.


Man, all yall are crankin out some incredible work, woof! Ruck On, Bby!

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I noticed i didn’t post any pictures of my finished figures in here…


Great job!

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Thanks, means a lot when you say that, after all, the only similarity with your work is that it concerns figures :grin:

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Nice to see them on the figures- you have done a fine and careful job with them.

That camo pattern is a lot of work and you’ve done it quite a few times, excellent!

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Hi Everyone,

There is some really great work on here! Who’d of thought we could do so much with so little. It’s truly impressive.

Since my last update, I’ve made some progress, however, not as much as I’d have preferred. Of the five figures that I started with, the build for Neil Anderson moved forward and I had to get him into the F-16. Initially, I painted his uniform in a pretty green. Turns out his uniform was blue that matched the blue of the prototype. So, after mixing the color I did him up, and since the figure is going into the cockpit gave him a wash and called it a day. I think he turned out ok.

Till next time, be safe, wash your hands and have lots of fun! And be a little thankful, Happy Thanksgiving!


Now where was I?

I started sculpting on the bits I need to do the conversion I’m planning. First, I sanded the bottom more smooth, and I sanded down some more of the pack leaving a little room to add material.

You might be able to see from the bottom pic that the collar stands out fairly prominently. I’ll be mostly covering that anyway so sanded it down some after taking the pic.

And here is the lengthened coat. The back is kind sculpted where some folds in the coat would be visible. The front is pretty rough but I’m mostly going to sand that down so the figure will be flat on the ground.

The pants are fine. I thought about bulking out the sleeves a little but comparing to the guys in winter gear I am imitating, there isn’t much difference, so will reuse the sleeves without adding to them. Tomorrow I will attempt to add the hood and enhance the lapels on the front … slightly.


Time to catch up with everyone’s projects. Great work being done and completed. Keep having fun, Guys!!!

Karl187, thanks for the compliment. Necrons are a little boring to paint. Just 2 basic colors and a wash.

DeskJockey, just amazing decal work. I’m blown away how you got the decals to conform to such irregular surfaces.

bwilt, fantastic job on your mounted IDF troops. Lots of figures painted to a high degree.

john41492, awesome paintwork on your F-16 pilot. I’ve always believed planes look better populated. Hahaha!

phil2015, nice work adding the length to your figure’s coat. The sculpting looks realistic to me.

Das ist Alles!!! Keep up the superb work fellow modelers. Till next time.

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Figure #3, the Tyranids. They are a hive mind, predatory species plaguing the galaxy. Their only purpose is to consume Bio-mass and grow their species.

Gene Stealers are the vanguard of a Tyranid invasion. Infiltrate and infect the host planet’s population is their goal.

High quality figures, though the poses are uninspiring.

Multi part figures. Lots of mold line clean up was necessary.

The figure was built stock with no changes.

The kit does provide multiples of claw arms and blade arms.

Prime coat of white applied. Vallejo acrylics were used.

Painted and shaded figure. Still in the process of adding highlights.

Different hive fleets have distinct color combinations. I thought this one looked pretty good.

Next up I will be making a suitable base for this Nasty. I’m going with a Space Hulk scenario. A derelict ship with a horrible surprise on board. Thanks for viewing. Keep up the great work Guys!!!


Space Hulk! That takes me back. Never had the physical game, but we did have a pirate copy of the computer game for our Amiga. Never had instructions, so I hadn’t got a clue what to do. Remember wondering around the ship aimlessly as my squad got picked off one by one. Think we gave up after a while. One I really need to revisit as all the manuals can be found online these days.

Great figures though. The colours work really well with them.

Hoping to get back onto painting my figure soon. When’s the deadline again?

We got 19 days left, and I want to complete 2 more figures for the Alien-Scum series.
I’m working on my Eldar and Tau entries.

Thanks phantom_phanatic for the cool comment. I never played the Warhammer 40K game, but I love painting the figures.

There’s a quick update to follow on my Tyranid entry. Happy Holidays to all my fellow modelers.


Update on my Tyranid entry. I’m doing a full tilt, Blitzkreig on my entries. Hahaha!

I broke out the styrene to build a derelict ship type base.

I dived into my spare parts bin to create suitable debris. I also included a kit part too. It’s called a contagion node. Sounds pleasant enough. Hahahaha!!!

Testing my figure position on the in progress base.

That’s good for now. Don’t want to bore you Guys with incremental build steps. The final shots of my Tyranid figure will be posted shortly. Thanks for viewing. Comments and questions are always welcomed.


Super looking base- love the dynamic angle and the debris should look awesome scattered all around it!

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Looking good so far. I have an army box of those that my buddy is bugging me to get done.