"Your Figure just keeps on Improving! 2024" campaign info

For those who don’t do figures or fancy something different, tomorrow sees the launch of the latest Hachette part work “Warhammer 40,000: Combat Patrol”. As usual, the first issue will be a “loss leader” at a massive discount (one-third of the regular price) and gives you two larger-than-average “Hero” figures for £2.99. These comprise a gribbly bat-winged alien mutant critter and a walking tank in the form of a superhuman chap clad in heavy-duty space armour. There should be a flood of these in most stationers in the next few days, normally the parts are issued weekly but the first part is usually around for a fortnight and part two will be two-thirds price and have a trio of even weirder aliens as back-up for the boss in part one.
