For those interested in the Stinger case. I made some arrangements so that we get someday Stinger cases in resin in perfect quality.
Hi H-H,
I hope Christmas is coming earlier this year !
Good news. Keep us posted.
I received the 3D printed Stinger Cases from Shapeways. They look awesome. They are also shorter than the Verlinden ones by a couple mm’s and fit where they should in the back of a Bradley. I ordered two with the intent of casting the rest. I like them so much, I decided to order four more so they all look equally as good. I may order one of the open cases and show a Stinger Missile inside as well. We shall see.
Here is how they come, in frosted resin. Hard to see the details, but they look great.
Here they are with a coat of primer. The details really pop.
I highly recommend them.
Those really look good. Are the printing lines evident after a coat of primer?
There really are no visible printing lines at all once primed with one coat. The detail is very fine.
Thank you Gino for the positive comments on the cases I have designed.
I have two questions:
which primer have you used ?
was it applied with brush or airbrush ?
I simply sprayed on some generic gray primer from a big spray/rattle can. I think I bought it at Wal-Mart. As I said, they look great. Thanks again.
Hi, I hope you don´t mind I use this thread to ask about the other version of Stinger case. I mean the square wooden one. Would you please have close up photos of that one and measurements? I browsed the internet and found almost nothing.
PS: The case you are talking about is also included in the AA´s SAS DPV 110
Thank you!
Why do you think that there a wooden case for Stinger? AA kit contains the same metal case that we talked about here.
From this document :
“The Stinger weapon round (fig. 2-2 on page 2-4) is shipped from the ammunition supply point in a crush resistant, hardened, reusable aluminum box. It is certified for immediate firing. This box is called the weapon round container, but is more commonly referred to as a mono box. Stinger rounds are packaged in a thin, woodsided box surrounding a foam insert in which the missile is packed. The boxes are known as “lettuce crates” because of their similarity to produce boxes.”
From the picture, that cardboard box has the launcher, missile, and three batteries.
From Field Manual 44-18 :
“The weapon-round container is a reusable aluminum box used for storing an operational weapon round, two spare BCUs, and a set of ear plugs. Four of these containers are issued to each team as part of its basic load. When the weapon-round containers are arranged in the team’s 1/4-ton trailer, the two top weapon-round containers are converted into “ready racks.” The latches the two top containers are released after securing the containers in the trailer, thereby making the weapons readily accessible to team members.
The missile-round container is a wooden box containing a missile round, three BCUs, and one set of ear plugs. Two missile-round containers are issued to each team as part of its basic load. As rounds are expended, the gunner simply opens a missile-round container, removes the missile round, mates the gripstock of the expended round to the new missile round, and inserts a BCU. He of then has a complete weapon round to use if needed. The empty box is then returned to the trailer. Replacement missile rounds are stored at ammunition supply points (ASP).”
About the wooden box :
“This container is a wooden box which provides adequate protection for one missile-round and two or three BCUs during shipping and storage. It also contains one set of ear plugs. These items, in a cardboard box, are wrapped in a sealed barrier bag, with desiccant, for protection against the environment. A humidity indicator is enclosed in the bag to indicate moisture content. The bag is inside a fiber-board liner which is inside the wooden box. Two of these boxes, containing missile-rounds, are issued to each team as the remaining part of their basic load. …/… Empty missile-round containers and dunnage are kept to maintain the shape of the load in the trailer until resupply. At this time, the empty containers are replaced with full containers.”
BCU = Battery Coolant Unit
Thank you Frenchy, that´s the one. Shouldn´t be that hard to estimate the measurements of the box, but if somebody has them I´ll appreciate a lot.
Best regards
According to a 2009 ammunition data document:
Wooden Box - 67.250" long, 13.130" wide, 10.500" high. Nine boxes per pallet.
Alum Case - 65.560" long, 13.000" wide, 13.380" high. Nine cases per pallet.
Details for Wire Bound Boxes can be found in Military Specification
MIL-B-46506D Boxes, Ammunition Packing Wood, Wirebound 30 Aug 1984
Available at
Does this mean that the missile is shipped in a wirebound box and then repacked in the aluminium case?
I do not know for sure. Not US Army or experienced in the ammunition / air defence realms.
My thought is the rounds are shipped from the manufacturer in the wooden box. They transit through a Stateside ammo depot and then off to theatre. In theatre they are shipped to a divisional ammunition point. All still in the wooden box. From there it gets murky. From the divisional ammo point they will go forward to the air defence battalion, then the battery and finally the individual detachment. Somewhere along this line the rounds will be transferred to an aluminum case. It could be the division, morel likely the battalion and quite possibly only when the wooden box reaches the individual detachment vehicle.
That’s my best guess. You need a bird gunner to chime in on this one for the real story.
Looks nice. How did yo make it?
Thank you!
Actually nothing special. The body is made of 1mm balsa wood glued with white glue whilst the small white parts representing the box side reinforcements are evergreen profiles. The wire is copper glued with cyano which was afterwards cleaned with debonder. It all took me some 2-3 hours.