1/350 USS Arizona

Rory, what goes at the top of the three masts?



Well after my temper tantrum yesterday I regrouped, took a breath and with gtdeath13’s advice on using wire rings I once again attempted the mast and I have to say, it was fairly successful. Its not perfect, the lower level isnt perfectly aligned to the upper level but it still looks 100% better than it was.

I also made use of my dremel tool to enlarge the holes the mast legs went through to give me more range of motion and I replaced the mast legs with plastic rod instead of brass. Having that tiny bit of flexibility was a huge help. It also meant I was able to cut the tops off at the same height as the main mast without any issues.

Still some work to do but its all detail and not structural.


Great persistence Rory :cowboy_hat_face:


Looks excellent!
Nicely done!

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looks much better now :+1: :blush:

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Nice job Rory. Some kits will fight you all the way…!

I understand and sympathize with your efforts. I have similar problems with the 1/700 Dragon Arizona, with AM wood deck, Model Monkey superstructure, and funnel, and Edouard PE set, plus various other AM bits, and, of course, necessary scratch detailing. Not everything is designed (wood deck in particular) to play well with other components. Been “dry-docked” for over ten years! :cry:
:smiley: :canada:

Yep, I think this missions a go Huston…

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After all the trauma I have finally reached a very important juncture. Its time to paint.

Sub-assemblies dry fitted and looking good. Arizona has spent so much time as just a barren hull, I cant wait to see her with her superstructure all painted and attached :slight_smile:


Impressive!!! :+1::+1::anchor::anchor:

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Holy moly, what a difference a bit of paint makes.

I am very pleased with how this is looking. Everything is now glued down and in place. Still lots of deck gubbins to go down but for now I can breath a sigh of relief and work on something other than superstructure and mast. Not sure if going to do guns or boats next but I am looking forward to them.


Looking good, Rory, you are on a roll!

Unrelated to this build but planning ahead for my next capital ship I have just put in an order to Micromaster NZ.

Some of the items bought include:

Royal Navy 7" UP Launcher MKI
Royal Navy HACS MKIVGB with Type 285 Radar
2-pdr Octuple Pom Poms
Royal Navy 5.25"/50 turrets - this may give it away!
Royal Navy Tribal Class Propellers (not related, just finally getting them to fully complete my HMS Zulu)

Any ideas? :smiley:


KGV Class

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yup, definitely KGV class, either KGV herself, or POW… as they were the only ones in the class with UP launchers :smiley:

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PoW only had them very briefly to my knowledge. ‘As sunk’ (Dec 1941) already has PomPom’s on the turrets, octuple fwd, quad aft. So my bet would be on KGV, early version?

Greetings from Canada, on the way back home today!


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All correct but Russell is the closest since he didnt exclude Prince of Wales. I am building POW as she was at the Battle of the Denmark Strait so she will require some back dating. I also purchased these beauties to assist me :slight_smile:

I have a question for the group. Eduard would have me install this on top of the forward and aft turrets.

I know they were there in the 1930’s but I cant find a single decent photo of Arizona on a date close to December 1941 that shows the turrets clearly.

The only one I can find is this does not seem to show the extra bit on the turret.

Should I add it or not?


Do you have Paul Stillwell’s book on the Arizona?

There is this photo

The turret top looks clear of the cable but notice the top of the turret number 3. I am assuming that these are the shore power cables and they were stored on the turret roofs when underway. So you can leave them or add them as you wish.