1/350 USS Arizona

Nope. Only references I have are from google :grin:

Link to more photos

In the book there is a photo on page 247 that shows the aft turret roof clear of the cable.

There is also a photo on page 249 taken on 10th of December that also shows the turret and it looks to be clear as well.

Thank you for the info. Very helpful. Now to decide if I want them or not. Decisions, decisions :smiley:


I decided to forego the cables just for convenience sake, will make the turrets easier to paint.

Speaking of which, I have been diligently working and they are now build. Along with the aft catapult and crane :slight_smile:

The crane was a bit annoying and fiddly but after conquering the tripod mast, it was a breeze!

Adapting the turret catapult to the Model Monkey turret took a little work but also wasnt too bad. I really like how it came out.

Next up will be the boat deck cranes and the boats themselves.


Looking good. Will you add blast bags to the guns? :+1: :+1:

See a few posts above. If CA isnā€™t your forte, try resistance soldering.

Probably not. I could and have made them in the past but I honestly donā€™t enjoy making them. At this point I just want to finish this build so I can move onto the next :slight_smile:

I primarily use these 2 tools:

One is straight piece of steel wire that I dip into a puddle of CA which I have on wax paper and then use to apply in very precise areas. The other is a needle with the eye chopped off to create kind of CA loop. I use it for less precise applications or want to drop in a larger volume. Both of these I stick into an old pin vise.

The other thing I use is a variety of CA. Thin, medium, thick and gel plus debonder to fix mistakes. Knowing which glue to use has taken me a while to learn. I would also recommend a CA accelerant to speed up cure times. I donā€™t use it myself since I find I donā€™t have enough hands half the time but I know many people use it to great success.

Plus a variety of tweezers, toothpicks or any thing else laying around that suits my need.

I also go slowly, only adding a bit of CA at a time, rather than trying to glue a whole set of stuff at once.

@PanVet I hope that helps :slight_smile:


Iā€™m not a ship modeller at all, but recently on AFV etch, I often initially glue items with a small amount of mig ultra glue. This lets me manipulate the parts easier, then when iā€™m happy iā€™ll CA it all properly. Seems to make things a little less stressful!

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Fine work on the turrets and catapults! Now - I hope - the fun part of this build starts for you! Great recovery from the after platform and general superstructure troubles!

  • and Iā€™m already looking forward to your PoW build in the May 1941 outfit!


Been a while since my last update but havent been idle. Worked on the ships boats and got the turret roofs painted.

Also did some basic rigging. By no means accurate but gets the job done.


I have been considering resistance soldering but the expense continues to delay this endeavor

Currently I use 5 minute epoxy thinned with 92% alcohol for PE where CA is problematic.
Excess can be easily removed using the same alcohol, wonā€™t damage plastic or PE and when properly thinned you can use your same CA tools/technics to apply it. It does remove paint instantly however

I mix it on small squares of wax paper which I have been told makes it easier to sand which I can not confirm but can confirm this makes clean up a breeze


When I use CA accelerator I dip or spray a Q-tip/cotton bud and prop it up between myself and the CA I need cured. Then I just send a puff of air so as to send a waft of the accelerator in the direction of the parts to activate the CA. In most cases some fumes are more then enough for the amount of CA we should be using on PE. The amount of CA on the other hand :rofl:


I couldnā€™t find my spritzer the other day, so I resorted to other measures.
Even though I probably have enough to last me the rest of my life, thereā€™s no point in wasting. I can apply the minutest drops. Wish Iā€™d thought of it years earlierā€¦


Just donā€™t store it near your CA
I keep mine in a zip lock bag

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I use these ā€˜Disposable Micro Applicatorsā€™ to bring the CA Accelerator close to the part. I never spray that stuff, itā€™s absolutely awful. :dash::no_entry_sign:

In addition, I pull the used-up tips off and repurpose the handles for several different uses. HTH.



Yes, I would use those on curry wurst night.

Knife and fork? Total FAIL!


Progress is ongoing. I think I am coming up to the final stages with just railings, secondary armaments and the aircraft left to do. Ships boats were a pain in the bum. I am also 100% sure they are way oversized but it is what it is.


The boats may have been a pain, but they look good!

All that hard work in the early stages now paying off :+1::blush: