1942: The Turning of the Tide

Time for me to get started with this group build and this oldie …

Going to be pretty much out the box but I may try and add the frame for the top tarp cover… We will see …


Few little bits started

Did the lower hull/ chassis tub and steering rack (moveable left and right)
You can fill the inside of the chassis tub with various exhaust parts and a fuel tank, but I didn’t bother.
I couldn’t see the point as you will literally never see that area once the crew area floor plate goes on…

Also started on the crew area and seats and cab seating.


Got the crew area floor plate on the chassis tub …

Then found what I thought was a problem… It looked like a gap between both parts … and no matter what I did or tried could get rid of it …

You can see the gap where the tweezer tip is.
I eventually sussed it out. The gap allows for the hull side pieces to slip down into and act as a sort of guide… It isn’t really explained in the instructions and there are also some other small instructional grey areas that are not laid out well… But nothing that isn’t easy to sort out …


You gotta love Dragon


Looking good!

The paint I needed for the Eduard A6M2 arrived, so on with the show. I cannot wrap my head around Japanese colors, especially the early war Zero, so I finally just went with AK RC303 Amber Grey. If one of the measures of getting it right is that it changes completely under different conditions, I think they got it right!

Anyway, I’m happy enough with it. Having gone through the learning curve with AK paints, I’m now quite happy with how they go down.

Coming up on my next issue with this one, the decals. I’ve never come to grips with these new Eduard decals and am quite surprised that they just sort of dropped them on us with no real instructions on how to use them. I may just go ahead and apply them without worrying about how you can peel off the surround, as I understand they work just fine like that. Guess we’ll see.

Michael :israel: :stuck_out_tongue:


Looking nice … But it is just how much variation you get with different light conditions …the top one looks like faded olive drab, second is like sky … !!

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that’s the paint i got for mine too. i tried mixing my own but it’s not worth the hassle.

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you all have started your builds and some pretty far along and i still can’t decide what to build. i am back to wanting to do a p 40 in afrika theater but the problem is the kit i want to use is an academy p 40b/c and i can’t really find out if any soldered on in 42. i been looking at raf 112 sq and it looks like they all had the E model in 42 but when did they receive delivery of them. i am sure some C models were still fighting in 42, i even found several pictures of a p 40B/C that belly landed and the caption says egypt 1942. it of course could be dated wrong but i found several pictures of the same craft with the same year. i believe the pilot was neville duke IIRC.
anyone know if any B/C models were still being flown by 112 sq or any other squadron in africa in 42?
thanks Joe

Hello, here is my entry for this campaign:


Some decals…


I was going to put a base coat down on the 251, which was going to be Dunkelgelb … Now I was thinking about it, and I have a niggling feeling that good old Dunkelgelb didn’t get applied until about 1943 ? If that’s the case … Were they just a standard Dunkelgrau in 42 ?

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Yes. What else would they be until the change was initiated?

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Correct, Dunkelgelb did not make its’ appearance until Feb 1943 officially. Any sand color AFVs in Russia before then were painted using the tropical colors intend for use in North Africa.

for anybody doing some 1942 USN/USMC aircraft, here are some good original color period photos for reference

Life on Midway

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Dunkelgrau is just soooooooooo boring … I may have to give it a whitewash …

They must of had 251 C’s in and around north Africa?? Would they have had a sand colour applied over the tedious Dunkelgrau ?? :rofl:

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Wasn’t there one 251 C in a purple/orange/blue camouflage around first of april 1942?

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I think you might be correct Bert :grin:

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And I did see a very nice grey tank with the red primer coming through, that looked really great and not boring at all…

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There is always the field applied mud camouflage over the Dunkelgrau


Cheers Carlos… I think I will just end up doing a white wash or a very heavy dust wash… :+1:

Did a base coat of Dunkelgrau on the wheels and lower chassis and inside


I did the mud cross hatch pattern on the Tamiya 251C from 24th Panzer Division that I built several years back