Ready to serve
Just let me know - especially if there will be galleries and ribbons/medals again.
Ready to serve
Just let me know - especially if there will be galleries and ribbons/medals again.
That I do not know yet. But when I do, you will.
Looks like we’ve got some good ideas out there. If your idea already has the requisite number of interested parties go ahead and submit it on the Submit a Campaign Proposal page and I’ll get it set up.
Damn, I already know I am going to over commit myself again next year lol
You and everyone else…
How about another “Arctic” campaign…anything and everything that deals with ice, snow, sleet, and the Poles from LC-130s with skis to icebreakers to Ski troopers to snowmobiles to Amtracks to trucks with snowplows to submarines surfacing in the North Pole to Arctic and Antarctic animals? Even postal service vehicles and postal workers are included!
Is Santa included in that ?? … only kidding … sounds like another good idea for a campaign and lots of scope.
That has to be allowed in the campaign @Trisaw if it goes ahead… And Peter , you have to build it !! Brilliant find
Looks like I’m going to have to reinforce my roof if that’s what he’s going around in these days…
@Johnnych01 How about this one:
done and posted on the old Forum:
@GulfWarrior and guys… I’m going to throw up something of a curve ball here.
In the old Forums, you needed 10 people to agree to enlist to get an official campaign running. Richard had to approve the proposal, establish the build and the gallery, etc. With the new format with no gallery, no enlist page, no Campaign table with start and finish dates, etc…why is it necessary to still have a minimum number for a build in the new forum? What actually happens now to make a group build ‘Official’?
I have found that sometimes it is a bit of a slog to get 10 at proposal, but once a campaign/group build is running, many more people enlist during the event… and often some of the initial 10 do not participate anyway.
Would it be a reasonable approach to propose a build and leave it to the proposing person to promote the build to gather enlistees and also lead the build from start to finish? There really is nothing more than that, that can be done, as far as I can see from my side of the monitor…
If awards ever get sorted out for the new Forum, then maybe a minimum of 10 finished builds displayed in the thread would get the award sanctioned for allocation assuming it would be time consuming and it would need to be worth someones while to invest the time…
or do I need to crawl under a rock and sleep it off…
No Peter . … No rocks needed here. I for one think it’s a sound idea. Maybe just drop it down to 5 people who show interest ? The proposer could just keep editing their initial post (like I was doing on the potential new Build a Photo group build on this site) as people join etc and he would manage that side of things ?
Maybe get Richard @GulfWarrior to see what he thinks ? You have my vote though.
And @petbat, if that Artic group build goes ahead… I will build that one. Very cool…no pun intended
So, all that stuff is really going away?
I think it would be fine if one just started a thread and said, “Hey, let’s all use this thread to do a group build on the Battle of Stalingrad” [for example]. But I do like the concept of some constraints in subjects and the build timeframe that everyone buys in to. Lots of people doing the same theme is cooler, but as you say, people often jump in later once you get something going.
You all bring up valid points! Until the campaign thing gets sorted out I’m all for just posting a thread and saying “Here we are”. It’s a lot less overhead on my part!
We can always revisit how we do it later if we need to!
Campaigns for everybody!!
Since @Pete posted pics of his mini Dio’s, a group build idea came to myself and @G-man69.
Would people be interested in a Dio group build for 1/72 and below. Each Dio would have a base area the same size as A4 paper - the standard size. No bigger and no smaller.
After seeing what @Pete achieved in small scale, we both thought it worth investigating as a group build as neither G or myself knew if one had been done before. Also, on an A4 base area, you could get so much more going on and displayed. It would be over 12months from Jan to Dec, and I would sort out the other rules and regulations etc if it went ahead. It would also be open to all sites so I will post this in the uncategorised section as well so everyone can see it. Any takers ?
Has there ever been a campaign where everybody builds the same kit? I wonder what interesting variations we could get that way by adding after-market, different markings, different settings?
Not that I can recall off the top of my head Phil. Usually it is a bit of a struggle to get enough people to build the same type of vehicle; the exact same kit might by harder to find agreement on… You can always test the water.
A few more Campaign ideas:
*** “Humor” Campaign.** A vignette in GOOD TASTE that depicts a humorous scene—can be military or non-military.
*** Caption Campaign.** Similar to “Name the mug caption” thread, ALL entries MUST have a title that goes with the vignette to depict it.
*** Binoculars, scopes, radios, and sensors campaign.** A figure-only campaign depicting a figure with a telescope, binoculars, radio, sensor, laser pointer, phone, rifle scope, night vision, etc.
*** Survivor Campaign.** Sci-Fi or military that showcases someone who has escaped a downed or wrecked vehicle, mecha, spacefighter, walker, speeder bike, etc.
*** Zombie and Post-Apocalyptic Campaign.** Sci-Fi Campaign depicting dystopia-era future—can be vehicles or figures.
*** Lifestyle Campaign.** Scenes such as figures walking the dog, smartphones, campers, swimmers, surfers, hikers, etc.—depicting the lifestyles of humans, their hobbies, their interests, the way they spend money, etc. Basically a non-military campaign depicting civilian life.