2021 Campaign Ideas

Centurions in foreign service.

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Now we are talking…

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Peter what do we need to make that happen ?

Go into the campaign build heading and look for staging area. Start a new thread there for the centurions of different nations build (best you think of a catchy title as it’s your campaign) and then …
Formulate a set of rules and regs to do with the group build and see how many people show an interest.
There’s also a voting option to keep tabs on it as well.
You can just check out a few of the other group builds that are already running to get the basic ideas for rules etc and set a start and finish date. So you could work it all out and set a potential start date for say 01 Sept and run it for 6 or 12 months…

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@Johnnych01 . I can do that for sure . It way take me a bit to come up with a good name

Im thinking something like . " Centurions , not in her Majesty’s service"

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Although technically speaking… That would mean all the commonwealth countries as well… … :thinking:

Yea that is a good point … I was thinking ones that were exported to militaries outside of the Royal Army.

Well that is not going to work . I just looked at a list of commonwealth countries. It is rather extensive

“Centurions , legionary of the world.”
“Centurions, merc in a skirt.”

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“Centurion: It’s just not British!”


And @petbat with
“Centurion, it’s not just British” are both very good…


Peter I like that one . If it is ok with you , may go with that one.


I have a 1/35 Shot Kal so I may join in after my M60 build.

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That would be good to see the shot kal… I will try to add this to the staging area later and also do a vote on the name .

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@Panzer_modeler . I added it to staging area. Also which shot do you have .

Chris, don’t overly worry about the vote for the name, I think your choice of Peters is spot on, I would use the vote option to gauge interest over 3 or 4 weeks…then set the start date …

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I went with the name and image Peter came up with and added the event to staging area.
Honestly Peter gets all the credit for that name . It is just too good not to use .
I did like Centurions ." Mercs in skirts." That may be a bit off putting for some people though.


To be honest… It was 50/50 between both of them…

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I was trying to add that bit of double meaning humor to make it catchy