3D HEMTT A4 Conversion Parts in the Works

Gino the M1078A1P2 isnt that the version you had mikeycbugs print the caB of cab of?

Sort of. I just had him print the LTAS cab. There are a few other upgrades on them as well.

Trumpeter also has listed an M1088 tractor with LTAS cab. Just having the cab in plastic opens all sorts of possibilities for kitbashing other FMTV-series trucks.



Or not at all. Example the FAASV M992 mentioned by AFV club in 2015.

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it’s interesting to see the optimists (oh goody we’re getting cool new kits!) and pessimists (we’ll never see many of them, the others will be years out) in this thread. I find it fascinating how different people react to the same data.


There is also one about the Outplacement Consultant who says:
Whoa you got way more resources than you need


And then there’s the paranoid: “That glass is full of pee, isn’t it.”

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half full/empty glass of finest Russian tea, anyone?

And the scientist would say the glass is full: half with liquid, and half with air

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I may wait to build my M1083 now

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Just a heads up!
I contacted 3-D Wild about the A4 conversion set and they stated that they thought it would be ready to market around 2/2/24.

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I’m guessing most just saw today the 1/35 I Love Kit LVSR MKR18 Cargo example build up at Nuremburg Toy Fair…

No, we haven’t. How about a link to a pic.

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It’s a video report from the toy fair, Modellbau König.
In a short sequence you can see the truck at the Trumpeter/ I love kit stand.

Yup, here are video captures from the above YouTube report of the I :heart: Kit LVSR MKR18 Cargo truck. It looks really nice.


Better get those top hooks engaged on the CHU.

Looks GREAT!

Yup, noticed that too. The container just looks kind of thrown on; not really attached.


One take away from the video: When is someone FINALLY going to make a 4x4 Opel Blitz truck???

Today only available in resin!

Sorry just saw your post to me had to go to commissary this am to get a Class 1 resupply lol…But yea thats the one I was talking about…One thing unless there is more stuff they are not showing…This year’s new stuff is very little…

As we discussed in November last year, the armoured version of the LVSR cab with the MCTAGS “turret” would be nice too.


Hi Andy,

Do you have the necessary documentation to design the armoured version of the LVSR cab? With the advent of the ILK LVSR kit, I would think, there would be an interest in this?