3D HEMTT A4 Conversion Parts in the Works

What goes there and the platform above it?

Its this video clip on youtube:

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Good news, Trumpeter contacted me.
No joke, they really contacted me.
They want my designs to make more modern HEMTT A4 trucks and the M1075 PLS.
And everything else I ever designed Trumpeter related for that matter.

Bad news, it seems they just want me to hand the designs over.
Nothing more.

So I won’t be doing that.


Hi Andy,

It sounds very weird. If Trumpeter is the least serious, they will offer a contract to regulate the relationship between them and you. Your work is your intellectual property, and it needs to be protected by a contract. Just like my books are protected by contracts between me and my publishers.



If they really want them, they will pay for your work. I would reply that you are flattered, but require some amount of payment for your work. Maybe they will negotiate something.


Could Trumpeter be barking up some kind of copyright tree?
Parts designed to fit Trumpeter parts considered copyright infringement?

I made the LTAS cab for a Trumpeter kit and they never barked at me. :man_shrugging:t2: Now that I say this I wonder how long it’ll be till they do.

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I doubt it, otherwise they would have gone after other companies already.
Enough companies out there that already make Trumpeter aftermarket parts.

And since they didn’t mention anything of that so far.

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Wanting something for free is more than enough explanation for their approach.
It doesn’t hurt to keep track of other motives though …

I agree with Gino. You have something they want, and which will ease their work doing a line of -A4 HEMTTs and the PLS line. If they are resonable people. they will return with an offer to you. And a contract.

Perfect fit, ready to be sold.


Very nice.

Looking good, I really look forward to seeing the kits.

Regards Thomas

Very nice 3D parts!!!
You should consider to sell them from Shapeways, i don’t knows how many % they’ll take but it will be easier than producing yourself!
I used shapeway to print a 3D anti-RPG net sheet that a friend of my daughter did for me (and a few dozens euros)! It was really easy even if Shapeways asked me if i’ll take the risk of printing problems due to the scale of the net. I printed 3 sheets and just one was with a lack but now i could do a VBCI with nets in Afghanistan!

I have seen better results from local printers here (Mike & James) than shapeway. I’d say go with someone better.


I officially pi**ed off Trumpeter by refusing to give them unconditionally my designs of everything Trumpeter related for a few kits.

And I did design a very big deal. Lol

The guy I was talking to wanted to trade the HEMTT A4 and M1075 designs for one 1/350 Nimitz kit. Yes, 1 plastic kit.

Looking at their website I have everything I like. So, no loss.

But on the other hand I find it mind-blowing that they even dared propose this ludicrous idea.

I think he left a bottle of glue open while typing his proposal.


Are you sure it was an actual bone fide Trumpeter representative?
Sounds more like some smart-ass trying to pull a fast one and scam you out of the design files

I was thinking the same thing.

His email checks out to the official Trumpeter website.

On the other hand how do you ever know for sure.


And its available:

Have fun building guys.

M1075 coming soon.


Hi Andrew,

So cool, I look forward to seeing the actual kit. There are two errors in the webpage, which might affect the result, when someone makes a search, the scale is wrong 1/350 vs. 1/35, and “HEMTT” has become " MEMTT". you might want to tell 3D-WILD?



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Noted and forwarded.

Big chance you or somebody else builds it before I do.

Test print of the M1075:

Next to the test print of the A4 cabin, going to re print the A4 in 1 piece like the M1075.