42nd Highland Infantry Regiment "Black Watch" at the Battle of Quatre Bras in June, 1815

You Ski, Sir, are very, very talented.
And many, many thanks for the inspiration that
comes with sharing this endeavor.
Dave :slightly_smiling_face:

Thank you, Dave, and I’m glad you like the progress so far!

Flag Bearer Finished

Finally, I can show some progress and close out the Flag Bearer. Bunker time has become a premium lately due to summer work, but we do what we can, right?

You’d think after painting four tartans by now that they would have been the toughest part, but working these long socks was no walk in the park. I had to redo the right sock twice while trying to keep the pattern straight as it wound around the leg. I sure do appreciate all the others to come, they’ll be a piece of cake, lol.

Using the methods and techniques mentioned before this figure moved along much quicker, minus the socks. He really doesn’t have a lot of detail to him, but the right side of the flag had to be tackled. That wasn’t as difficult as before either. There are a few areas I thought were a bit off, but you’d really have to look closely to find them. So, I’m calling this figure done.

I aplauogize for the poor photos. Trying to capture the flag with the figure will be handle differently when the final pics are taken. For now, this figure is in the curio cabinet safely tucked away until the base and weathering are done.

Thanks for watching. Cheers, Ski.


Sheer, utter unadulterated brilliance… That pretty much sums that up.


Absolute masterclass there,Ski! Well up there with the best of them. Looking forward to seeing this to completion. Now relax with a few beers, mate!

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Thank you, Johnny!

Hey G, thanks, Buddy!

Beautifully done figures. Absolutely outstanding.

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Thanks, Buddy!

Sargent Lancer

Sgt Lancer is finally done, but it took a bit longer than expected due to other than bunker issues, i.e., outside work. Ok, no worries, we Ruck On. I really love how this resin used has made so many problems with scratch and slag just easily disappear. The rework is quite nice from a flexibility stand point, and the time involved is very short. Fix it, get er done. This really is fast becoming the best set I have ever worked. And let’s just say this, working colors in the arena has been a challenge, but a fun run, to say the least. And no, I won’t be making a habit of it any time soon, HA!

Please disregard the resin visible on his boot, it got rubbed off, even after a dull coat and several days drying time. Why does it always happen during the photo sessions? Who knows, but it does, HA! T’sall good, it’ll get taken care of in short order.

As you can see, nothing has changed in the process, nor has there been any major issues to deal with, so Sgt Lancer will be set aside with the other four to await the 42nd Highland Infantry Regiment “Black Watch” unit reunion. Did I mention I’m still having fun with each and every figure so far? Well, I am, and I really can’t wait to tackle that drum that Drummer boy has hanging from his waist,……………Sheesh, really, ya gotta be kiddin me, right? Ah, I dream of olive drab in my sleep,……………

Ruck On. Thanks for watchin. Cheers, Ski.


Cause it makes you look human to the rest of us. Congratulations on another great figure added to the set.

Fantastic job on this figure!

The shafted weapon he is carrying is known as a “Spontoon” and carried by Sergeants (except Grenadier and Light companies) instead of a musket. It wasn’t the most practical of weapons but the extra reach it provided was useful for Colour Sergeants guarding the flags.




Thanks for that intel, M, I had no idea. I wouldn’t want to lug that around myself.

[quote=“Tank_1812, post:111, topic:17831”]
Cause it makes you look human to the rest of us. Congratulations on another great figure added to the set.[/quote]

Tanks, Tank! It’s just frustrating after the time involved to deal with minor boofs, but it happens more than I would care to admit.

Thanks, Buddy!

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Absolutely outstanding work on the lancer Ski, and the paint job on the tartan is truly outstanding, :+1: :slightly_smiling_face:.

He could also win the knobbly-knees competition at Butlins holiday camp, :wink:.

G, :beer:.


Yet more breathtaking work. The colours on all of these troops is simply exceptional. They burst with energy with every view. The work does go beyond dedication…this is more like a mission now. They are all a joy to look at … Each one is award winning quality. Probably the best detail figure painting I’ve seen :+1::+1:

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Thanks, G-Man and Johnny. Only six more to go, Gents!

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First Rifleman

The line-up is getting larger as time progresses. I’ve been behind the power curve lately, but things will pick up shortly. There are three more Highlanders to paint and two French troops left in the line-up, then the base work.

Here he is for your comments. Nothing in the process has changed from above, so we Ruck On, Bby!

Looks like these guys are getting anxious!

The blood splatter and weathering will be taken care of later.

Thanks for watching, more to follow ASAP. Cheers, Ski.


The group as is look superb. All that colour and uniformity makes them stand out - each one would be a show winner in its own right.

I fully agree, this is such a fantastic paintjob, outstanding!

Thank you, Gents. It gets a little easier with each one, the assembly line is up and running :wink: