At first I thought about joining you, until I looked at the sides of the hull.
M3A3 is sloped, M5A1 is vertical…
Or you can just buy an AFV Club M3A3. They’re all over eBay for not too much money.
Please do! I would love to see that PDF and compare it to the model I did years ago.
Very cool concept, my only major issue is, as one can probably guess is:
Why on god’s green earth would you compare a kit, produced in 1975, to any kit of this century. That just seems idiotic to me.
The answer is simple . . .I convert and detail flawed older kits to get a version of that vehicle not yet available. Then, I do it because I can!
8 posts were merged into an existing topic: US history teaching, or lack thereof
At least they didn’t use Joycelyn Elders Surgeon General under Clinton who wanted “safer bullets”.
Its all good, GI combat is all we need for reference.
Outstandingly good thread, ideas & models!
Welcome aboard!
Sometimes a good argument just might benefit both people with ideas not ever thought of. I like a good argument, but others might not understand why !
Outstandingly good book!
Didn’t Major Crisp have a bed frame on the rear of his Honey at one point? I seem to recall something like that but I read the book in the 1970’s.
Thank you!
Since viewing @RonW 's build thread, I’ve learned that the Academy kits have an interior. I know, go back to the front office to get my late pass for that one
I bought both versions because that open top dozer is very interesting
I read it too, back in 1979. Its an excellent read.
Just ordered Brazen Chariots. Thanks guys for the recon.
Im going to order a Honey, sometime today. Just when Im trying to get rid of the STASH.