Battle of the Bulge

Sounds like upstate NY where I went to school. Snow by Thanksgiving, thaw in April, mud> flies in summer
The 10th Mountain is based at Ft. Drum near Watertown.

Ahhhā€¦ but then there is the lovely Ft Polk LA, where the mosquito is the state birdā€¦ :mosquito:

Yes it do get toasty up there as well.

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Thankfully I never got assigned to Camp Swampy. A lot of the NCOs from my BN got sent there after Desert Storm.

Hi Jerry,

Just caught up on this one after seeing it ā€˜elsewhereā€™ (how did that happen? Maybe thereā€™s a magic FB portal to my corner of the UK :wink:)

Anyway, you already know that I love it.

Funnily enough I have been dipping back into the Duel in the Mist volumes myself - I am about to take a slow dive into the Bulge for my next dio.

Keep it up!

Tanks / Tim

Thanks ol mate!
I am kicking around another segment of my Duel series. It involves building an actual vehicle though. I am always shy about that much work as it takes so long and I sometimes loose interest along the way. LOL
Hope to see you delve into the subject as well.

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Cā€™mon Jerry, Iā€™d love to see another Duel In The Mist vehicle dio from you. To me, knocking out a vehicle build is a lot easier than painting figures; a lot less variables and a lot less to go drastically wrong. Iā€™ve always struggled in vain with figures.

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Problem is I always dive down the rabbit hole of research and then detailing, etc. and it eats up time. Plus I hate doing roadwheels and running gear in general. But thanks for the motivation buddy.

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Keeping the Duel in the Mist theme going I have broken down and relented about building a vehicle. So here I am so far. Nice kit. Very detailed. Goes together pretty well.


Is this a Marder IIIM? Whose kit is it? Good build so far!

DML Smart kit of a late model Grille.

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Iā€™m all for another of your installments be it vehicle or figure Jerry. Thanks for breaking down and doing another vehicle!

I had this kit for years but the parts count made me shy away. I discovered about 30% of the parts in the box are for other versions and arenā€™t needed !

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Jerry, that sounds pretty typical for DML. Iā€™ve made some that have a sprue in for one or two parts only! Makes my spares box pretty full, I can tell you. Only problem is, itā€™s all stuff you are never going to use!

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Is the choice of kit an intentional play on words - Grille in the Mist?


One could make an after the war dio of a scrap collector with a giant pile of metal awaiting the smelter ?

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Well played sir,

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Maybe I should make some moulds of bits I DO need, melt down the plastic and remould it? Strictly for my own use naturally! Mind you I think a metal die is slightly above my pay grade!

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My results so far and also all the extra parts left in the box! Holy cow Dragon.


Decisions , decisions , decisions , ā€¦ go get em JR .