Some recall, I recently took up motor biking again … That didnt last long, and came to an abrupt halt at 0700 this morning on the way to work… Car pulled out in front of me 25ft away from a layby, no indication …so I T boned into him at an angle … bounced off the windscreen, onto the bonnet and slid 20 foot on the wrong side of the road …
Not the best way to start the day lol … got home 12 hours later …left arm in a cast and broken lower arm bone and a broken wrist …
Have to go back probably next week for day surgery so they can correctly align the wrist bone …
John, that’s bad to hear. Wishing you a good, speedy and complete recovery from that accident.
For nearly 25 years I bike to work every morning at 6 a.m. and often notice still sleepy car drivers on the 3 km to work. Never had an accident though (because I also think for them … ). Usually I wear a helmet but not so in winter when it’s cold. Then I wear a wollen cap. Of course a yellow jacket with reflectors is always obligatory.
Wishing you a speedy recovery John, the only consolation is it could have been much worse. Hope the car was totalled & your bike’s repairable, the driver will probably get off with a smacked wrist instead of a broken one.
I was just about to go out on my (non-motorised) bike for a few circuits of the park, so your message is a timely reminder. As Torsten said, responsible (and there are plenty who are not) 2-wheel riders must expect every other road user to be blind & imbecilic. Yeah I know, same goes when we’re on 4 wheels too. Sadly, as per your experience it’s the stationary ones who are hardest to identify.
I don’t worry about those not wearing helmets, obviously they don’t have a brain worth protecting.
Sorry to hear about this John - hope you heal quickly. I’ve been riding motorcycles for 55+ years.
Had my first accident 2 years ago when a teenage girl in an SUV came into my lane and hit me - almost saved it but ultimately high sided with bike on top of me pinning my right leg . Ground up my right arm ( just wearing a t shirt) broke my little finger and bruised up my right leg and ankle.
I was lucky and my beautiful Norton even luckier- just a few scrapes.
I no longer ride in just a t shirt and wear hi viz vest over my gear .
You may change your mind when you heal - either way glad you’re still with us .
Cheers- Richard
Johnny, that was a nasty crash. I wish you a speedy and pain free recovery from this unfortunate turn of events. I hope everything goes well with surgery and aligning your wrist.
Hopefully, the car’s driver gets held accountable.
Damn. Totaled an ST1050? That hurts me to read it.
Sorry about your accident. Hopefully in time you’ll remember that almot every one of us has had one at some point, and missed riding too much to quit.
Cheers dude … it broke my heart when I drove past it when I got brought back from hospital, just pushed into the verge in about 200 smashed up pieces … she rode and handled like a dream and that triple had a sweet burble on the change downs … now sleep is eluding me as the breaks are killing me now … could be a binge film sitting …
When I used to ride an old grey beard told me a piece of wisdom that stuck with me from Day one “There’s two type of bikers, those that have gone down and those that are gonna go down”. There’s no respect for motorcyclists or bike riders. Sorry about your accident, glad you came out not too bad versus stuff we’ve all heard about or seen.
Yikes what was the estimated impact speed? At least you’re not in 200 pieces although it must feel like it. Hopefully you’ve got Endone or equivalent to dull the pain, otherwise your Spirits cabinet is in great danger. If you were insured surely there’s a chance you can ride again?
John, Can’t believe I’m reading this! … You went from an acrylic pour which seemed to last for several months to a split-second crash!
• Always wear a helmet whenever saddling-up… mountain bike, dirt bike, crotch-rocket.
• If a crash is inevitable, ball your fists, tuck and roll.
• Deer are notorious for attempting suicide. Ask me how I know… Hits x3: Near miss: Threaded the needle through an entire herd at over 65 mph! …
Kidding aside… as if there was any. Here’s hoping for your speedy and full recovery.