Bulgarian WWII Campaign

Wow it has been nearly 10 months since Robert passed. His presence here is missed by many of us.


Yes, and I’ll open a thread in his memory and will build the Einheitsanhaenger 5t. Robert Jan almost managed to finish.

It will be an open thread and I hope I’ll manage to gather other members too, to celebrate the life and achievements of our late buddy,


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I’m in, but you knew that anyway. Doesn’t matter what other builds I have committed to, this has to take preference. I have a Citroen 11 CV in the stash, a 1/48th I won in a raffle. I remember Roberts 1/35th wrecked one, so maybe I’ll build that in his honour - a version in an earlier time frame…

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I knew you’ll be in, buddy!

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Picked up my kit last night at the club meeting. The ICM kit in a Tamiya box.


Great Ryan!

Just in time- clock says 8 minutes to go(although where I live 8th of September will finish in 5 and a half hours :thinking: :rofl: ).

Now that you have the 3.7 cm Flak 37 too, you might consider building it as a Bulgarian AAG from the Armored Brigade.
You’ll only need a Maultier(a Ford V3000 S/SSM) to tow it:



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Would it be fine if I changed my Pz-38T build for my Flak-37? I have one built up but that’s as far as I am. Can I still finish it for the campaign?

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Sure Ezra!

Build whatever you like to and have fun!

Good luck on Armorcon and send my best wishes to all “Kitmakers” you’ll meet there in person!


Ha! I do not build that fast. I will be lucky to finish the truck in time OOB. I so want to upgrade things but then it will only stall the project. Nice idea about the gun. I have thoughts of an abandoned gun with a broken axle with one or two Allied troops walking past sometime in the probably never future.

Great! Thanks Angel!
So what would the base color be then? Still Dunkelgelb?

Well, we are now official (finally)!

As I’m occupied with other builds now and being in preparation for a modelling expo visit- I plan to start my build towards the end of this month.

I’ll build the Horch M.222 armored recce car(ex-Tristar/Hobby Boss kit #80149) and while the kit lacks the engine, I was given one by Kalin @k_mero4:

I plan to open side engine hatches as seen on the picture of the real thing.

I’m looking forward to see the other builds,



Most likely they are delivered in the German color. But in Bulgaria they are repainted in green. Probably after September 1944.

Yes Ezra,

Regardless whether the gun you want to build is the 8.8 mm Flak 37 or the 3.7 mm Flak 37, till the end of WWII the color would have been Dunkelgelb.
Then in Autumn 1945 all surviving hardware was repainted Dark Green, but this period is out of our timeframe in this Campaign.


Perfect thanks!
Is this to complete to still finish in the campaign though?
Its almost completely built and I will add some small scratch built details to it.

If so this is my start pic. :rofl:


Only because you have a birthday these days… :grin:
And only because you’ll cross your country next week in pursuit of our common hobby interest… :grin:

It’s OK for me!



The campaign is in action.
I have a lot of ideas in my head, but I think I can start with one of my favorite planes: the FW-189 A-2.
The model is by GreatWallHobby. I added PE.
I just don’t know what the plane’s markings are. I will specify it in the process of work.

Good luck to all!


Well today is my birthday. :rofl:
Armorcon is only sadly a 50-50% now because I was sadly exposed to Covid a few days ago. So Im enjoying another birthday in quarantine.


Happy Birthday and ouch that is a kick in the jimmies. Hope you pass to travel.

Great choice Kalin!

I’m sure you’ll give the “Cyclope” the justice it deserves!
Looking forward to see your progress,


Well then Happy Birthday Ezra!
Be Healthy, Wealthy and Wise!

Sorry to hear about your Covid encounter- I had recently the youngest family member catching Delta…

But look at the bright side- now you’ll have enough modelling time, no pressing study deadlines and you still might be able to get to the East Coast on time :wink:

Gute Besserung- as the Germans say


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