5th Mech 1/77AR deployed to Vietnam with them. They later converted to M48A3 MOD Bs.
Jeeps are JGSDF Mitsubishi Type 73s (Licensed CJ-3s). Both from the 1st Airborne Brigade. (Color difference is the rag top is in the current JGSDF green, other in their old OD.) Finally finished the M48A2. Last photo is withthe KP M48A2CGA-1.
Very nice work Timothy; unfortunately the knock on effect for me is that I’m now wavering in my Leopard project and want to start my M48!
'Nice comparison picture with the Bundeswehr version - all very useful.
Keep it up.
there were actually two different M48a2’s in Vietnam, along with the M48a3 and the M48a3 (model B). Supposedly there were a few gas engine M48a2’s in the First Infantry down by the Rubber Plantations. Then there were a few M48a2’s with the diesel conversions further north. Probably 90% were diesel. The 69th Armor had some Model B M48’s, but none that I know of in I-Corp unless they by chance with with the 5th Mech. Marines also used the M67 flame thrower tank
As far as I know there were no diesel A2s. A2s had diesels installed and became A3s.
No such thing as a diesel A2. In U.S. service no A2s were converted to A3s. A3s were built off of M48s and M48A1s. The only unit to have A2s were 1/77AR from 5 MECH that deployed into country with them. They converted to M48A3 MOD Bs later on.
OK Genius
No reason to get snotty. Facts are facts and you were wrong.
its OK to be wrong sometimes, we’re not always right…
lets keep it friendly, right? now, i’m no Director of friendship, or whatever, but lets keep it positive.
To steer this topic from the unpleasantries, I think it looks great!
Ok, so you’re no director of friendship but you still felt it necessary to intercede. When people put out bogus info other should be happy to see it corrected.
Along with 1/77 Armor, A Troop 4/12 Cav of 5th Mech also had M48A2s when they arrived in country. Also later replaced with A3s
it’s good to get updated info, but
“Facts are facts and you are wrong.”?
just tell him, hey, there wasn’t an A2 diesel, instead of that.
@Panzer_modeler, I also think it looks great!
Oh, you’re still not the director of anything but now you’re making rules on how to reply. Think you need to worry about your own posts and not others.
Logan’s not making any rules hes just giving a simple suggestion to be a little more polite.
Gents, apologies for late replying.
Concerning M48 models.
I can recommend the Dragon Magach 1/2 in 1:35. These kits give you the choice of building an M48A1 or M48A2. Different lower hulls are in the boxes. With 5 support rollers for an M48A1 or M48A3 or three support rollers for M48A2. As both were gasser, no upper hull for M48A3s are included, as the M48A3 ws using the AV-1790 diesel engine. All required parts for the upper hull are included, being it an M48A1 or an M48A2!
As with all M48 or M60 series models, the outer sprocket drums are missing the three mud holes!
Only AFV-Club and TAKOM M60 models have the mudholes! Even the AFV-Club M88/M88A1 didn’t had these!
For further detailling I recommend the DEF MODEL M48A1/M48A2 Canvas Cover w/ Sprocket Set for Dragon M48A1/M48A2. The outer sprocket drums with mud holes are included too!
As the M48 road wheels of Dragon are not the correct one, I’ll recommend to use either the left-over steel roadwheels as included with all AFV Club M60A1/M60A2/M60A3 TTS or go for the Panzerart M48 roadwheels.
Some months ago a new company showed up. Elefant Corporation. You’ll may find very good roadwheels at their URL. See below.
My intention is to build an M48A1 of the 3rd AD, 1-32 Armor BN at Friedberg, Germany in the late 1950-ties. I’ll add the AA Crouse-Hind searchlight. And in addition the Perfect Scale M8 Dozer Blade for M48A1 will be fitted too!
I wish you a Happy New Year!
What are the problems with the kit road wheels ?
Howdy friends and neighbors in this heck of the woods,
please excuse my late reply.
I have compared REVELL M48A2/M48A2GA2, DRAGON M48A1/M48A2/M48A3, PANZERART M48 and AFV Club roadwheels, as my intention is to answer your justified question!
I added pictures of the roadwheels of the companies mentionesd above.
In reality the M48A1/M48A2/M48A3/M48A5 roadwheels have a groove in the inner side of the tread!
I remember it very well, the cleaning of the M48 tanks during the 1970-ties after FTX. I was stationed then at Hammelburg with Panzerbataillon 354. The ground at Hammelburg was clay and in particular, hosing the roadwheels was a “pleasure”. The clay could be get out off the groove in the roadwheel only, if you were hosing parallel to the groove! But moving the hose a little bit too much up or too much down, then it would result in enjoying a spray bath himself!
The comparison now:
Top to buttom
- REVELL — – A piece of sh… No other word describes it better! The size and the width is OK.
- DRAGON ---- NO groove. Size and width are OK.
- AFV Club ----THE BEST, without questions!
Go to the first picture; - Two roadwheels are assemblied, the third one is missing it’s edge; - that lays close to it!
![MB M48 Road Wheels comparison pic 4 Panzerart|666x500]
- PANZERART The roadwheel is too NARROW! In my opinion, panzerart used the OLD, 1981, TAMIYA roadwheel as template!?!?
Only the AFV Club and the PANZERART roadwheels have grooves!
AFV Club is the best one, with a slight disadvantage. - The edge has to be glued in place! It doesn’t sound too complicated, but the tolerance is minimal, and the edge is very delicate and not stiff!
Start glueing-in the edge and you’ll face the “problem”.
The axles holes for the AFV Club are 2,99 mm wide and Dragon one’s 2,33 mm wide.
Using the AFV Club roadwheels on DRAGON, or REVELL kits requires to glue a piece of sprue 3 mm wide, into the AFV Club’s axle hole! Let it dry overnight drill the correct diameter, and viola it will fit!
I haven’t seen the elephant roadwheels in original, but only on their catalog.
Due too the fact, Elephant is a new and bright company on the modelling sky, I assume that their M48 roadwheels roadwheels should be correct. I have some of their detail parts, as M109 battery compartment. It’s GREAT!
My recommendation: Use the AFV Club M48 steel roadwheels for your M48A1/M48A2/M48A3/M48A5.
As all AFV Club M60 kits have the steel roadwheels and the aluminum roadwheels, I can strongly recommend the AFV Club ones! The elefant ones look perfect to me, but they’ll cut a 26,35 € wedge into your wallet.
A further advice! If you want to build a DRAGON M48 modelkit, don’t try save money in NOT buying the DEF Models Canvas Cover Set for DRAGON M48A1/M48A2/ Magach 1.
It fits perfect and as bonus, you’ll get the the outer drums for the sprocket! It has the correct mud holes!!!
Only the AFV Club M60 kits, did you expect something different, and the new TAKOM M60A1 kit have the mud holes!
Friends, Romans and Country Men,
If you have any questions, you know where to find me!