Calling out a know-it-all on Facebook

Loved Squad Leader!

Even further OT:
There was a turn based game on PC back in the day called Battleground (Battlefield?) Ardennes that used a similar rule set. I think I may still have it on CD somewhere or maybe I chucked it as it would need some fettling to get it working on modern kit.


Concur. Squad Leader, Tobruk and other games continue to fuel my modeling subjects.


But some of us post about using up our - er, a friend did it! - paycheck to fortify our - ER, his - stash, feeling woozy from paint and glue fumes, or having our aircraft modeling buddies mad at us when they see that we posted a picture of a tank.

Or so I’ve heard. Just posting for a friend you understand…


On a related note, as a guitarist, things can get expensive. If you sneak gear or anything at all in and a receipt is found, always, always, ALWAYS know what it is that you are about to confess.

Went something like this:

“I found a receipt.”

“Uh yeah, uh, that was for a rack mixer.”

“What? You mean there was something else?! How much was that? The receipt I found was for a speaker cab!”

[Thinking]: “D’OH! Sonuva… How stupid am I???”


no, shut up, shh, shhh, nathan fillion, be quiet, shut – GIF


Not able to get away with anything, we do the accounts together,
( two different business to account for) ,always starts with a whinging, BUT shuts up when comparing spending, as hers exceeds mine.


Crazy Facebook world hits again today!
A South African guy named Stephen Tegner just called me a ‘moron’ and the latest Semovente gun CAD rubbish because I priced it at 4 USD on cults3D and I wasn’t giving it out for free.

What a descent human being… Apparently, his work has been posted on Armorama before and he’s really good with CAD and scratch work?

That gives him an excuse to act like he has his head up his @$$?!


Best to ignore skin sacks like that…like I do a few here on this site.


If I were such a skilled CAD-designer and scratchbuilder I would design my very own, much much better, Semovente parts and not even bother to comment on someone elses work.

It sounds like he is butthurt because he can’t have someone elses work for free …


LOL! He’s probably the same sort of dirt ball that was using Nabster in the late 1990’s and early 2000’s to get copyrighted music for free. That really helped fuel and cement many people’s sense of entitlement to someone else’s digital work or intellectual property for the price of “free”.

Usually, IMO they feel that way because they’ve never done that sort of work.

Likewise, in the plastic model hobby, there’s always someone crying “XYZ” costs too much. It’s like socialized model building and free entitlement is expected.

In the 1970’s, quarter for a 1/4 oz bottle of Testor’s Hobby paint was way over priced! Shouldn’t cost more than a nickel…etc.

To me a fair price for a model kit is one hour’s worth of cutting grass in 1976 when I was 12 years old. I’d get $5 to $8 to mow & weed eat a yard depending on size. That would buy a Tamiya 1/35 AFV kit.

That metric works out to a $27 to $45 kit these days which is my normal price range these days.

So $4 for that file set sounds like a fantastically GOOD value!

Keep faith with the good work and ignore the dill weeds!


Yeah, being mad at an artist who charges for their art is stupid. Applies to musicians, 3D patternmakers, sculptors, whatever. It is reasonable to debate whether a price is fair for the art in question, but demanding it be free is ludicrous.


And yet, the same type will gladly pay $2,000 for a Taylor Swift ticket.


Or for political candidates the rest of us oppose.


This is a heads up for anyone who cares…I teach middle school (yes you can set up a go fund me account for me). The pandemic and post pandemic years has created a creature unlike anything before. When the children were left to their own devices and a cell phone a new generation was created. Self absorbed, apathetic, defiant, cannot self manage, addicted to tech. They are coming for you… Tell them their failing because they have not done 3/4th of their school work and they look at you and go back to their phone. The first question is" Is this graded?" second question " Is this an assessment or just an assignment?". You tell them anything that is in your science notebook you can use as a reference on the assessment. When the test happens, their science notebook is empty. At conference time you lay it all out to the parents who become frustrated with the student. Ah Ha you think, now you will get to work!. No, the next day in class is the same as the day before. I have gone so far as to open the students book to the correct page and pointed out on the page what needed to be done and provided pencil and paper to accomplish the task. At the end of class the paper is still blank. They live on the phone, Tick tock, you tube, games and texting occupy their time. Phones and social media are addictive. I saw a poll a week ago where 50% of the adult responders admitted to be addicted to their phones. With children it is worse. Their endorphins are just clicking along with the immediate gratification tech provides. It was designed to do that. They do not make it dull like reading an automotive text on automatic transmission rebuilding. They design it to be glitzy and entertaining. For some reason the parents can’t seem to figure out to turn off the phone. They lament but the phone stays on and in the hand. Maybe it occupies the child so they don’t have to. Beats me. Whenever I see mom hand the two year old the phone in the shopping cart to keep them occupied I cringe. Building a new phone junkie. Not all are like this. 30 % of the students are as they were 10 years ago. 50 % are some where in the middle. It is the 20% that create the driving force of behaviors, apathy and the tech addicts. Out of 150 students I use to have 6 to 8 that would be failing. I counted 16 failures two weeks ago I attribute it to apathy and choosing not to work. They were comparing how many math assignments they were missing. Most of them in the failing range had more than twenty five missing. The district I work for has not come up with a no phone policy. Instead they say it is up to the individual teachers discretion as to phones in the classroom. That means there will be no student consequences from admin…
I have one more year before I hang up my shingle. Caution, they are headed your way.


What @TopSmith Greg posted is the absolute :100: percent truth.

My wife is a guidance counselor at a middle school.


It was a no-brainer (so to speak) to ban phones in schools from the beginning of this year across Australia. No State or Territory objected, no uproar, no riots or rampages or looting in the streets. Restrictions on personal freedoms (to benefit minors in school) for the greater good - what a revolutionary idea.


That reads as completely soul destroying, I don’t know how you manage to do it.


My soon 15 year old son asks me to take his phone away when he has school work to do or need to study for some test. I guess he belongs to a minority :grin:

To be honest though, most of my 1st to 9th grade class in the 70’ies was just as clueless as kids today. We didn’t have phones but they sure managed to achieve close to nothing …


That is a scary truth. American technology dooming American youths. I must confess that I look at my mobile phone too much as well - mostly for work emails then for this hobby. :smiley:
When I took my family to CZ this past week, I did discover the truth also. My American children were the worst behaving ones out of all the ones at public transit places and museums. Unfortunately saw the same pattern from other American tourist families, too.
These children (mine included) were glued to their tabs (i-pads, Galaxy tabs, or whatever) and when they were without them, could not sit still and not whine.
Czech children on the other hand did not have those tabs or phones in front of their faces; sat quietly in the buses and subways; did not complain about the long trip; and were reading books in the train rides.
When the Czech children whined, these European parents simply ignored them and did not give in.
Just from these observations, I learned a lot about parenting. Much respect to their parenting, and how bad my American parenting (or for some no parenting) has been.
Thanks Greg for sharing. Mad respect to your service as well!


My wife used to joke about the differences between French and German kids.
French kids: Everything is allowed which isn’t expressly forbidden.
German kids: Everything is forbidden which isn’t expressly allowed.
This is obviously an exaggeration but there is some truth to it.