Campaign - Operation Snow White - Active

This campaign is open to any subject from any era. The only restriction is that the predominant color must be White. It can be a field applied winter camo, a modern Arctic camo or even an APC on U.N. observer duty somewhere like the Sinai.

Here are the conditions:

  1. All scales
  2. All eras
  3. Any nationality
  4. No previously started kits
  5. No dios
  6. Aftermarket add-ons welcome
  7. The dominating color of finished model must be white
  8. At least two in-progress pictures posted in the campaign thread
  9. At least two pictures of the completed model in the gallery

I’m open to potential start dates. The end date will be June 30, 2021.

I have moved the official campaign thread over to the new forums.

Please post your in-progress pics, comments, etc. here. :sunglasses:

:beer: :cowboy_hat_face:

My participation…


AUF1 155mm - WIP…

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gah!! i literally just finished a US soldier for a Bastogne dio that was in a white uniform for snow!

When we last spoke…

I had made good progress on my mini-art SU85. I had been loving the kit. Then I got to the wheels and tracks… They held me back for a long time. Honestly, this is the first bit of the kit that has been a bit disappointing. The axles are separate parts, and are soft. They attach though the suspension which is attached to the hull in two places. But at the end of the day, all those things together mean that the alignment is less than stellar. After futzing with it for the whole weekend, I think I’ve managed to get them fairly well lined up. If you look closely you’ll see that the wheels aren’t all in a nice perfect line. One wheel is off the ground - because when I was futzing around trying to get it lined up the same direction as the other wheels, it just snapped off. I guess I wasn’t paying enough attention to the vertical when I glued it to the hull.

I borrowed a set of magic tracks from the Dragon T-34 that I gave up on. Those are pretty nice. They fit the parts on this kit fine, but there seems to be just a bit too many on the left side while on the right they just barely get around everything. Anyway, here she is now. I think the rest of it will go quickly now, although there is quite a bit of PE to work through. We’ll see. It’s good to be past this road block though.


Looks good Phil! :grin:

:beer: :cowboy_hat_face:

Your perseverance paid off Phil, well done.

Hmmm, this might be a good excuse to tackle my


Does it have to be an AFV, or can it be Arctic figures, Sci-Fi (X-Wings Stormtroopers, and Gundams are kind of whitish), a white sports car, or even a Polar Bear? I see that it is under the AFV/Armorama thread, but I just want to be sure. Thanks.

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I’m fine with figures and sci-fi; but a white sports car is a no-go. Polar bears are OK though!

:beer: :cowboy_hat_face:

Ok so some progress has been made on my Scimitar. I did some work on the rear as well as painting the lower hull NATO green and giving the periscopes a base coat of black. I will soon start some mud on the lower hull so when the tracks come in the mail i can immediately slap some paint and mud on them then once the spilled oil and tools are painted the kit will be done!


Ezra, a couple of things to look at. You may already know and going to do them later when you do the finishing touches.

  1. The area of the barrel as it comes out the cradle looks like it’s been painted white. That small area should be a bare metal colour. That area of the barrel isn’t painted.
  2. The covering on the cradle looks black ? The only ones we ever had were all standard green, NATO or an olive green type tone.
  3. On the rear right hand corner, you have put the side light mount with a CWS cowl on it. That one is the spare for the one that goes on the left front. It’s an easy fix. Just cut the cowl off.
  4. Don’t forget to paint the side lights, indicators and brake lights.

Like I said you may already be aware of the points I said, but just in case you weren’t they can be put right.
The Scimitar is looking good with what you’ve done though. Well done.

Thanks John! Im planning on painting the lights and everything at the very end, but thanks for pointing everything out! I will be sure to do the necessary corrections.

I’m fine with figures and sci-fi; but a white sports car is a no-go. Polar bears are OK though!

Got it. Thanks! :smile:

Still not snow white, but Dragon grey. Getting there though. The wheels and winterketten are all prepared. More pics soon(ish)…




And one more with barrel attached…



Nice work! Now that my semester is over I’m able to get some work done on my entry, the Dragon / CyberHobby Maultier Half Track with the 37mm AAA gun. Here’s what I’ve got so far…

It’s kinda small for my liking; but I’m going to play through!

More to follow!

I’m hoping I get to the paint booth tomorrow. The goal was to get there today but there was more fiddly stuff left than I realized. The annealing the large straps worked pretty well. I left the tarp itself off, but put the straps on and I think that will look pretty good under paint.

The thinner straps that disintegrate rather than anneal (OK, I’ve just started annealing PE so I assume I’ll figure it out…) give a very suboptimal result. I went ahead and glued them in place over the ice cleats (I think that’s what those things are on the right fender?) but I’m going to have to find some more things to lay on there to hide that. Off to browse for aftermarket SU-85 stowage…

I still have to add the headlight and other thingie sticking out from the left side of the superstructure. These are made up of clear plastic, plastic, and PE. I decided to add the clear plastic now thinking it would be nigh impossible once everything was painted. So, when that dries, I’ll create a mask then finishing glueing this stuff up and then off to the paint booth.


Ok, I think I’m going to throw my hat in the ring. Let’s see how this one turns out

First impressions:

Lots of sink marks on the interior. Maybe I will build this mostly closed up…