He was RCD. He was our troopy there in 96/97.
More great pics! Thanks!
That looks really good!
I’m guessing Legend set right?
yes legend
Do you have any more pics of the build? If so I would love to see them.
Don´t forget that you need AFV Club M113 Diehl tracks for this build.
Awesome! Great job on the build!
@HermannB Yep I have a set of those tracks. I’ll need to buy another set for my ADATS.
I didn’t use the Hong Kong Creation Workshop track after all
I used the AFV Club M113 Diehl tracks
future project when I have a lot of time in front of me
Cool! I have the same ADATS kit as well. Maybe you want to join our Canadian build campaign?
I look at this
Hey Jon I was wondering about in that picture of you (?) sitting in the back of the TUA, what are those pruple/blue caps on the TOW canisters and would they be on the missiles still when they were inserted into the launcher?
yes it’s me but with more hair
the missiles are stored in the rack
the first on the top points to the rear of the vehicle
the next forward etc
the black part is the front cap
it’s been a long time, I think the cap remained until the launch
On the top missile tube, you see the back of the tube. That is the rear panel and the blue dot in the middle is the humidity indicator. It turns pink if the missile gets moisture in it and then it is non-fireable. That panel remains on the tube when it is loaded and pops out when the missile is fired, along with the wire spool. The next missile down, the front is facing you and you see the forward handling ring. This is removed before the missile is loaded. Behind it is a light green plastic diaphragm which the missile punches through when fired.
Ooh ok thats really helpful! Thanks Matt.