Christmas-holiday 1/4 ton fast build

Bit more painting…


Scrap, it’s too cold to paint. I can’t get my paint booth up to about 50 degrees. So the paint is not sticking well and taking forever to dry.

Maybe I can get the paint finished next week, Then it’s just assemble and add fiddly bits


@bwilt I’ve used primer as a basecoat several times, no problems :slight_smile:
@Tank_1812 The Meng Jeep is a nice fun build, isn’t it. I’ve found no real issues with mine.
@md72 Man, what a tiny Jeep. To think i used to built that scale without glasses…

And to show some progress on my end:

A built Jeep, a lantern post, some stowage. So far i’ve made an effort to stick with Tamiya items. Why? Why not? :stuck_out_tongue:

Next up is some paint and probably a small base. Let’s see what i have lying around!


The only issue I have seen and it might be nothing or builder error, the connection between the engine and exhaust pipe under the plate looks to possibly be short, otherwise I like it so far. Hope to paint this weekend.

Detail painting done, decals on, waiting on wheathering…
@HeavyArty : fixed the mistake…

Bigger brother in the background :roll_eyes:


Very nice. It looks great.

last pictures while she is still clean…


And then she went into the desert to play with some sand…

Thanks for letting me join eventhough she was overweighted, glad you’re not into rejecting based on weight :grinning:
I call this one done for now.
There is still a driver to come, and a passenger, as well as being placed into a diorama, but that’s for somewhere next year… :grinning:

Best wishes to you all!


Bert that beast looks great! I really like the SS-11 battery, makes for a really cool looking vehicle.

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Thanks! Must say I like it as well, started out as something to try…

Turned out great!
It was a pleasure to have you on board, weight or not.

I am in a bit of a tough spot; my compressor broke. Or more specifically the pressurecontrol mechanism. All it does now is blow full tilt all the time…

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That’s a bad start to the new year…

Thanks for organising this one Ron, was fun to keep going!

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It’s not nearly as precise Ron, but have you tried loosening the threads on your hose to let a little air bleed off?

Won’t get you “15 psi” but might get you 15-20 and at least get it so you can paint.

I do let air escape, yes, but the window is very small.
First I have to run it to fill the tank to above the required pressure, shut the compressor off, then bleed it to roughly the desired one, spray a bit, crank it up again and repeat.

I hope the driver remembers to de-bus before they fire lol

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If not, I am sure they will only make that misstake once :roll_eyes:

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@bwilt Very nice looking. The rockets really are a great addition :slight_smile:

And since my compressor is working fine :stuck_out_tongue: i got the base-colors on the jeep. Dark-Yellow lightened a bit with Buff. It’s a bit on the light side, but since i usually tend to start off a bit too dark i consider this an improvement :smiley: That, and there’s camo to go over it.


Today it became obvious that painting camouflage is not my thing :frowning:

I’ll let it sink in tonight and consider the options. In real life it’s not as bad as the photo’s but it’s definitely not what i was planning.

The New Year’s Resolution for 2022 is to try and get better at painting camo’s. That and finishing more kits than i buy. And reduce the Shelf of Shame. And… well, you get the idea :wink:


Remember, these paintingjobs were done in the field by amateurs. Not in a paintshop by pros!
I think that with proper washes and weatering it will turn out quite ok.