Good morning gents,
@justsendit , you know Mike, that framing does the trick! Hopefully you’re trying my more coffee technique!
@ayovtshev wow Angel - you are dedicated! and I’m surprised you didn’t know, right off the top of your head of those wheel variants! I think we are taking different approaches on our builds - for this one, I am quite willing to allow for some artist’s license!, as you will see below:
So, this is coming along, and yes, I decided to add some detail to the interior. Just like the bed of a standard pickup, the panel van in real life includes a wood deck, with metal spacers. It turns out I had some left over thin basswood, that I already stained, so, into service it will go. The width of this material is not correct, the planks are too wide, but, so are the small pieces of channel I’m using as spacers. I’m calling those pieces close enough!
The body sheet metal is composite of .020 and .010 evergreen. As we can all see in the pics, my cut curves aren’t what I would call masterfully executed! guess where you’ll eventually see some rust?!
Like the real truck, I added vertical supports, sheet along the base, and some ribs across the top. The ribs were a pain to make - the styrene kept snapping as I bent it so, several inches of .060 x .080 quickly made their way to the scraps pile. In addition to looking better, these pieces sure helped stabilize the body - it was pretty wobbly before.
I shot the inside with primer, and will paint it. Will then put the wood decking back, and close it in.
As work is slow this week, I’ll have some time to work on this instead!