The M102 is looking great. The Fire Base dio is a great idea, but the jeep you show is not correct for Vietnam. It is an M151A2 which wasn’t fielded until 1972 and very few were sent to Vietnam in the last couple years of US involvement. By that time, major combat units had already redeployed.
You need the Tamiya M151A1 if you want a jeep on the FB.
Also found a pot of AK off white, which I am thinking of using on the overall external colour when it comes to painting … White is never that white or pristine, especially on a tracked wagon…
I have purposely left off the front and rear mudguards until tracks are on. I intend to completely paint the wheels and then paint the lower hull, get all that assembled and finish off the upper hill and turret …
Not sure whether to do another full AK coat and then weather the wheels to tone down the flat white, or do a thinned mist over of Tamiya flat white over the AK off white … ???
The AK is definitely more off white… Going with the various images online, it needs to be whiter. I think an over spray of misted Tamiya white should sort it out … Fingers crossed
It depends what you call white. The additives in the paint medium change the shade from pure white - if there really is such a thing. The real issue is scale appearance.
Vallejo does White, Foundation White and Cold White all very similar, vivid whites, and much brighter than their Off White, but the shade difference between them is not noticeable until you put them side by side.
Time to get a bit dirty …
Have detail painted the hull and the bits that needed doing. Just need to find some small white unreadable square decals for the 3 fire extinguishers that are fitted.
Have applied a light AK OIF wash to the wheels, then I did a heavier wash with Flory dark dirt to the wheels again and the lower hull sides and belly …