I am new in this forum , from north Germany, age 57 and re - start modelling two years ago . This is just a first try to post some pics of my work .
Welcome aboard!
Welcome aboard. Interesting build, can you provide more details about it?
Welcome to the forums Gerrit. Nice build … the beginning of an early X wing …
There’s more than a hint of Me 262 there…
With a F-100 nose and x-wing inspired wing layout. Hence the interest.
Willkommen in der Kitmaker Familie, Gerrit!
Welcome to the forum!
Herzlich wilkommen Gerrit!
Welcome very interesting build
Welcome on the forum.
Thank you all very much for the welcoming. I restart working on Modeling with a lot of 262 conversions, and one of them is reversing the direction. Also it is very interesting to widen the fuselage ( or in reverse make it smaller ) .
In this example a straight piece of plastic sheet is inserted, works very fine for me an will create a big cockpit . The intake at the front is always a bit difficult, mistakes at this place are very good visible later .
I give you some pictures of the build, maybe I start a complete thread about if I find time and the pix . The modell was made last summer, and I had to clean up the mobile phone which I use for photography.
After the fuselage is ready dried and sanded, the wings should come in their place . A good way for me to fit them as tight as possible is this . A piece of sanding paper fixed on one side and the wing base moved carefully on that . At the glueing job I look to get the styrene soft melted to weld the parts real strong together . Revell contacta , applied for 5 minutes on both sides works very good for that .
Very clever and great use of other parts from kits
And a look at the crew . First I started with another canopy which fit perfect , unfortunately I lost that part , hidden VERY GOOD in a box . So a friend gifted me a Lancaster part to finish that build . And as it is right after that the original part came to daylight again. I just ordered six new 262 kits to build some more ( around 10 are finished last year ) . I work real fast and my skills in painting are not top of the line , but for me it’s okay as it is .
Thx , but there are only two pieces from other kits used here …
Apparently not.
All what I do is near whatifs or kitbashing, and I am not shure where to show them here ?
Please give me a suggestion about a Dieselpunk Doublewing Bomber from Japan around 1920 …
is it under science fiction or simple in the plane category ?
And a lot of „futurerized „ Me 262 versions , flying tanks , all nothing that real was .
I always found the AT-ST-like walkers with tank turrets interesting.
Some of the forum staff will probably chime in regarding categories.
In the meantime, have a look at Sci-Fi and Alternative History Campaign. Your models would fit right in.
Welcome to the forum.