Some years ago I scratchbuilt a Fahrpanzer and built a diorama around a Swiss mountain fort with several fahrpanzer embrasures and there corresponding rail tracks. Unfortunately it never got finished then the diorama was put in the bin before a house move.
Dang….any information or photos of the build fell free to post in this thread.
Definitely on track with this build
Railed it!
Very keen. I would have just used a piece of model railway track of appropriate code (height)
Two trips to the paint booth.
Messing around with a base. Painted the sides black craft paint and the track with dark iron. The top was first painted with flat earth, then 3 different Vallejo mud products. The track was pressed in.
Here is an idea of the finished look. A lot more work to do.
Lovin’ this! “Press” on!
Thanks Mike.
Great idea & lookin’ so good - pardon my Turret’s Syndrome but how were they traversed, some kinda chain-driven pedal-power?
This is a really cool little emplacement you have Ryan and it looks excellent. The base sets it up superbly.
Thanks Matt.
Dried overnight, still a little too wet looking for my liking but something to work with.
Nicely done Ryan , lookin good !!!
Thanks Glenn.
Nice work matey. The base can be treated with pigments…
Thanks Erwin. Yep, pigments, Vallejo mud wash, highly thinned buff/earth misting and some additional vegetation is planned currently.
My usual go-to are European dust pigments. Or Russian earth. Depending on the location…