Welcome onboard! Once you finish your first campaign, most of us get hooked on campaigning
I’ve had this kit sat in the stash for years, only ever tried out a blue colour for the cockpit and never got any further. This is a great opportunity to get it finished.
It’s a very basic kit, the cockpit is incorrect but i’ll just build it OOB
Oh man! … I have the ride for these guys and would so love to join this campaign, but I’m already pretty stretched-out with other projects.
Reedoak 1/35 AH-64 Pilot and Gunner.
—mike …
Got the cockpit and crew cabin done as well as the engine bay. As i said, it’s basic and incorrect but i’ll make do
wow you’re coming along leaps and bounds with that kit, i can’t wait to see you finish it.
i’m in the middle of Covid so not got anything else to do lol
@deerstalker36 do you have covid or is Australia in lockdown again?
As much as the ruling elite (or federal government as they are more commonly known) would love to keep us all locked down, no - i have covid. first time in 3 years. Caught it at our ANZAC day bash, ex British servicemen getting together is always a bad idea lol (8 of us so far from the day have it)
So … After some consideration… I thought I would jump in to the build …
Got this today in from a local shop … was only 8 quid…
No thrills or spills…
Straight out the box…
Construction wise not a bad little kit, details do take a hit especially in the cockpit.
Thats cool … this a quick fun build as is … may start it tonight… might as well add another to the “on the go build list” and make it 5 being built with the CTT, HEMTT, Raven and Sherman…
Careful when bellying-up to the workbench and mixing too many kits. Like mixing drinks you could wind-up in a spinning room after a long bender… hiccup!
Primed it all on the sprue…
Now the destructions say to paint it
OD (on pretty much everything) but hopefully an IDF guru might be able to help with this…I thought I might try a sandy colour…which one would suit best ? I am just using AK RC or Tamiya paints… And if I did a sandy colour, would the kit decals still be ok ?
Im not massively worried if it’s not 100% accurate… I’m just going for a quick fun build …
Looking good mate.
You know I’ve always wanted to do an Apache in Star Wars X-wing red 5 livery. Weathered white/grey with the broken up red stripe along the side of the fuselage, yellow stripe across the top, red “swoosh” and 5 bars on the stub wings and the tail, various random panels in different greys, two of the rotors with the blue spiral like the guns on the x-wing, canopy in a blue grey and other bits and pieces. Not that I’ve ever put much thought into it!
However, a proper finish would make more sense, so just ignore me!
It would look cool though …
The kit is going together ok. First fit problems are the engine covers
so out with the plasticard
then Tamiya putty and sanding sponges and files
I’ve also finished sanding the seams, which as i said, it’s not a bad fit for an old kit.
Now onto the tail and main rotor and the winglets and the open engine bay door
Blimey. You could of actually flown the helicopter through those gaps lol … Great save and looks spot on now.
As to my IDF Apache … painted some of the cockpit and will add the decals later, then get the fuselage together…
you’re coming along nicely mate.
Thats what my therapist keeps telling me lol