Hot Out of the Molds 2021 Campaign

Hi Peter yeah it’s a fun little kit and I know that Revell are planning to release a 1/72 version soon but I don’t know how much it will cost and the only other way to go bigger is with 3D printing but that can be very expensive but it is something I am leaning towards lately.

the construction phase is over now as you can see in the picture I took while I was at work tonight.

The downside is that there are no decals only stickers so I will need to find out if anyone does after Market versions, if not I will have to do it free hand as you can see in the picture below.

oh and I too have stalled on the alternative camo campaign…I really need to get back into that build.


This day and age, and at the cost of these kits, you would think they would do decals. Or at least, they could do both decals and stickers - one for children’s version and one for the more serious modeller…

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Nice progress, David.

Strange there is only stickers. Their land speeders came with both decals and stickers. Same for the AT-ST if I recall correctly.

I am for sure getting the 1/72 scale one from revell. :slightly_smiling_face:

A little more progress on my SWL A-A5. Interior mostly done and the pilot finished.

Now a lot of metallics on the engine part and some exterior finishing.


@petbat Peter I think they only do the stickers and decal option for the bigger kits. this one of those tiny box scale kits so they only issue stickers.


well this weekend i found someone who does replacement decals on ebay and have ordered some, but it looks like it’s going to take about a month for them to get to the UK.

in the mean time, it’s back to the Oola figure and hopefully get her assembly completed then i will have about 4 kits waiting to receive a healthy coat of printer paint.


More progress on my A-A5. A bit of nose artwork and the first decals added. More service decals and stenciling to be added.

More to follow :slightly_smiling_face:


@SGTJKJ nice work, where did you get the star wars decals from?

oh and speaking of decals, my replacements for the Razor Crest have arrived a month early!

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Thanks for the comment, David.

The decals are from ebay somewhere - some years since I bought them. They are a bit transparent, so one needs to have a uniform color underneath. So I can only really recommend them if you have a light base color and no camouflage.

@SGTJKJ Jesper, yeah i have some as well but those look cool so if you don’t mind, can you go back and look through your ebay history so see who you bought them from please.

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David, please see a link below to the rebel insignia. Check the store’s other decal sheets. Quite an extensive range compared to when I bought from there.

eBay Star Wars decals

….and is the direct link to the noseart decals….

Star Wars 1/48 nose art decals

finally managed to get the primer coat on today


I have finished my entry for this campaign. The fantasy flight games A-A5 rebel transport. Very nice kit with full interior.

I added some lighting inside, but really not that strong, so was probably not worth the effort.

Quite satisfied with the final result none the less :slightly_smiling_face:


That is fantastic Jesper. You really nailed it with this one.

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That is now two great looking transports, congratulations.

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Thanks for the comments! Glad you liked it! :slightly_smiling_face:

@SGTJKJ well someone is taking their Star Wars Legion very seriously, that’s the second one of those you’ve built and it looks fabulous…I’ve just ordered the Snail Tank today btw.


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well I managed to get some pre-shading done on the razor crest, I just need to sort out the tamiya paint I plan to use.


and on with tamiya gun metal or whatever name it goes by lol