IDF 75 Campaign

I would also like to see the BTR-50 :slightly_smiling_face:


Definitely the BTR50/OT62!


There’s this set from Hobby Fan that I’m not a fan of (pun intended). While the figures are probably correct for the period, one of them is clearly an infantryman, not a Sho’t crewman.

If I were you, I would probably tweak some American tankers wearing the M38 style helmet.

Here’s another one:



Do the Friul tracks fit the Meng sprockets?

@ReluctantRenegade thank you , I’ve seen this figures and honestly forgot they were out there. My other thought was maybe some WWII IS tankers and then modify them like you said. Thank you once again!

I certainly hope so. :roll_eyes: If not… I have a big hammer. I’ll make them fit. Modelling right?

Probably should have done some homework before purchasing (Thing is, I really do not like vinyl tracks.) Oh well, I’ll find out soon enough. I’ll be sure to let you know, the second I get there!

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@ReluctantRenegade Thanks for sharing. It is clear that the Academy kit leaves some details to be desired on the rear part.

I promised myself a simple out of the box build. Now I am second guessing myself. :roll_eyes: :wink:

Slow progress, I have to check where most of the details go exactly on the turret. Still lots of small parts and some scratchbuilding left.

I also spent about three quarters of an hour searching for the .50 cal for the mantlet only to realize that the HobbyBoss kit does not include one, only the mount for it. :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: Now I have to scratchbuild the control mechanism and the solenoids… :upside_down_face: :upside_down_face:


Ok. So I decided on the Dragon Magach 1/2 50thAnniversary edition. Too many Merks already. Here is the obligatory start picture.


It will be an OOB build including the dreaded DS tracks. If for some reason they go south there’s always the AFV or Takom indy links.


Magach 1 or Magach 2?

Two me thinks. The instructions are really busy and the call outs for the 1 vs 2 aren’t always clear or easy to spot in some places. Also one of the versions requires surgery on the fenders. Just a straight cut to remove and replace with another.

Magach 1 is the simpler build.




I built this kit last year, but ended up finishing it as a U.S. Army A1. The fender cuts are for the A2/Magach 2 version. The Magach 1/A1 fenders are very straightforward in assembly. But yes, go thru the instructions ahead of time and cross off the stuff you won’t be doing.

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Thanks but I kind of like the look of the two better. Not started yet so I have time to decide. :grin:

Magach 2 is the one with the fender modification required. If you want to do a Six Day War vehicle you need the searchlight mounts on the mantlet. For an earlier vehicle follow the instructions.





Thanks for the info and the photos. They will be a good reference.


And regarding the DS tracks, remove them from their bags in the kits that include them and store them is such a way that they do not contact any of the bags of the kits. They react with the plastic of the bags containing the parts.

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Thanks again.

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Okay, I think I’m gonna join up. I’ve got a bunch of M548A1s

And I’ve been wanting to build an Alfa, so

I guess I’m in.