I'm a Movie Star Group Build

Nothing like seeing bits on sticks. It means progress.

You are zipping along here Kelly.

BTW . Not that it matters, for interests sake, the M4A2 engine deck had small access grills and plates and fluid caps on the sides:

Where the M4A3 had access hatches all the way to the edge and the fluid fillers on the sloping sides like your kit:

The rear end M4A2:

The M4A3 derrière:

Just build the kit as is and enjoy it. It builds into what the tank was supposed to be as Tom says.


The info is welcomed. The italeri kit does have a alternate rear and exhaust if one want to use it. The rear deck cannot be changed though.

i have built five of these and got ahead of myself with this one and grabbed the wrong rear, but caught it about 20 min later and ripped it off in time.


Changed bottles but still same number in vallejo, and got screwed. Not the first time with vallejo.


About to do decals and italeri shows to put stars on her. But nope not in the movie.


Interesting Kelly. I find you have to thoroughly mix them to keep them consistent and even in the colour cup, pigments can separate in a short period. A dusty wash and winish will probably take care of it anyway.

Ill find some other bottles I have. Vallejo is bad about this. I find all the doubles later to show you.


the area for you to attach the road wheels. Do yourself a favor and xacto those stubs so the wheels will go flush to the hull or you might have wanky lined up wheels both horizontal and vertical.

By xacto I mean just make thinner, not cut off.


Interesting. I would like to see the comparison also. Nice to know when painting a project.

Tamiya has done similar on a few colors, OD being one of them.

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@SGTJKJ @petbat

here is a couple examples off oddity. vallejo rust was way off even visually but I already threw the old bottle away after using it. when I go to the hobby store I always bring the color needed with me to match it to the bottles I want. It has happened very often. But only in VJ air, not VJ MC yet.

First, the right bottle has a metal bearing in it to help shake. Will never do that again as it took about 6 months to destroy all the paints I did this way. middle and left are slightly different. no shakers in them. Also the actual name of the paint is different on the bottle, again another thing i have caught before.

green: two in the middle are the same. left is diff, right is diff, trust me.

happened so often I ended up doing the spoon reference. With the number written on the back. Those are all different VL color numbers in green. There is no grey in this pic other than the spoon turned over showing a grey number.

Took me a bit, but learned white,grey, and black primer would have made this so much easier. and learning amount of coats, instead of buying the whole color field.


Wow. I don’t use air, so I have never had a problem, but those colour shifts are amazing.

For agitation, try glass balls. They should be available locally, but here is an example:

I have also wondered if ceramic pie crust weights would work.

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Wow that is weird. Completely different colors

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With that I have understood all the different ways colors are seen and why. But @#$% it,the companies paint isnt what it should be either. So, I have a really dont care reason most of the time.

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Thank goodness for the wife. I wouldnt be able to do this without her.


tapped out on this build so this is called for me.


Looks pretty good to me!

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Very nicely done MrClark.

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Nice finish. :beer: It looks exactly like the tank in that movie… ah what’s it called??


Yes, looks fine to me as well. A nice addition to your collection.

Thanks for joining in, I hope you had fun.

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Just a thought but this would be kinda of a cool build with the barrels on back.

Elvis G.I. blues


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