Hello gents, and thanks - yes, that “box” - it is huge - it’s funny, with no context, it’s hard to tell, so take my word for it!
My missing materials arrived:
Uhhh, well - one smashed up box - who cares? the long awaited “C” channel arrived unharmed, so it went into the bed:
Naturally, it will never be seen - so unlike the real truck, which has dozens of these, my version has one about every inch - so 20 on each side!! well, we know they are there.
I also added a second bed roller. It turns out, this is located directly above the bed struts and airbags I wondered about. These are apparently used to help with loading, that is, the load rests on these when they are elevated and it then slowly lowers the cargo onto the bed. Then, as items are being unloaded. These trucks rely on gravity for unloading - ie give it the gas, and let momentum do its thing and as an extra boost, these are elevated, physically encouraging whatever is onboard to tilt and slide off the deck! All the safety here!
And added a pretty big tank - not sure what it’s for, but I now have one too.
Then on to some of those tedious, but necessary tasks - making roof top light beacons and cab grab rails:
How much fun? all of it! of course, these “simple” bits take forever and test patience! but, they are now made, and are removable. The beacons will stay in aluminum, and the grabs painted.
Ok, on we go speaking of “go” - GO NINERS!!