Look What the Tide Washed Up! (Model Shipwrights)

Intriguing: does this mean an impending review? :hugs:

you were to quick for me!!! LOL

Yes sir - there will be a review conducted.



Whow this looks great, wasn´t aware of this one. Must have been a big impact into your wallet though… :crazy_face:

3d-wild have an interesting approach to kit design: I’m curious to know your opinion of their kit :slightly_smiling_face:

I’m with Russ, very interesting indeed, alo curious to see her under construction.

Cheers, Si

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A couple of my recent acquisitions.

The Konigsberg was a pressy from Mrs Duster, so the keel laying on that will not too far away, picked up the Barchino at the Elstree model show, nice little kit, will look interesting with HMS York.

Cheers, Si.


On several of my more recent builds I have talked about how I am getting beyond going crazy with extra detailing etc.

Well I am apparently a liar, both to the forum and to myself :stuck_out_tongue:

Some recent specials and holidays have seen my bank account getting ravished.

@Russelle Like 2 years ago we had talked about the Enterprise and how pricey she was. Apparently all I needed was patience because I got this for a very good price.

This box is heavy. You could cause someone an injury if you smacked them with it. The amount of PE in this is honestly daunting to say the least.

Then, on another website I found this for a price too good to pass up.

Comes with turned brass masts, barrels, a deck and a ton of resin (including replacement turrets). All for only like $20 more than the Eduard Big Ed set. Never used Very Fire so will be interested to see how it builds up.

And lastly, despite saying I was going to try not spend to much on my Musashi, I found I had to splurge just a bit.

Barrels for the 18 and 6 inch guns as well as replacements for the triple 25mm.

All of this somehow conspired to be delivered to me today so I was happy :slight_smile:


Very nice aftermarket haul Rory, and I get what you mean, I have had a habit of throwing a ton of aftermarket at every build.

I have found I am enjoying the Calcutta build as even though I have not bought any specific aftermarket for her, just used what I am in my left overs box, and scratchbuilding anything else.

My next keel laying will be the Konigsberg, I can be a bit of a hypocrite on that one, it is all in the box.

The bottom line is only thing that matters is we are enjoying our great hobby.

Cheers Si :beer:

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@RedDuster @RollTide Si, Dave, I’ve seen some reviews/comments elsewhere and also images of 3d-wild’s upcoming release and they don’t seem to be for the faint hearted-certainly, it’s not a kit I’d be brave enough to crack open :scream:

@McRunty Rory, I’m sooooo jealous! :wink: The big E (CV-6) is one of those dream kits that I’d love to add to the stash, but it’s just not the right time at the moment. I recently created a gant chart of all my stashed models and plugged in how long each kit will take and I’ve got enough to last me until 2033 as it currently stands…

I’m just going to need you to voraciously blog your build so that I can live vicariously through your efforts :slightly_smiling_face:

In my post yesterday, I forgot to post this, a useful little kit for naval aviation dioramas, It would sit nicely on the deck section of a carrier, under a Swordfish, Albacore, Barracuda or even a Firebrand,

Oh and that I had already posted the Konigsberg, :roll_eyes:




Some really nice pickups Gents. Should keep you all pretty busy…Cheers mark

Honestly I have no intention of building her any time soon (or so I tell myself). This is more of me looking at the market and seeing prices skyrocketing. I am gathering the parts I need while I can still afford them and while they are still in production.

Tell me about it. If I build 1 of my capital ships per year (so not including cruisers or smaller or any non ship models) it will take me 15 years :fearful: Luckily I pretty much have almost every kit I want. Its why my purchase of actual kits is way down but my purchase of AM is way up.

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Russell - I have not seen any other blogs or comments regarding their kits so please share. I did crack the box open and it does appear to be a daunting kit - not because of the complexity but because it is pretty much build - very different from a styrene kit and there will be challenges removing the support brackets from the 3d printing. Not sure what I have gotten myself into but I am pretty sure I will be using quite a bit of AM sets - just don’t know which ones yet.

3D-Wild is definitely releasing some off the wall IJN ships - not sure if I will procure anymore since my stash is overwhelming at the moment - just couldn’t pass up the Soryu though…

More to come as I do a more detailed inspection of the kit.


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@McRunty Agree with those points Rory… then there’s the Aircraft (or Armour) itch that need to be scratched too :wink:

@RollTide PM inbound, Dave :slightly_smiling_face:

uh oh


Picked this one a couple of days ago…Cheers mark


Oh my! :heart_eyes:

Jealousy abounds!

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Had these two from Casemate Publishers arrive for me to read and review.

Pirate Queens : The Lives of Anne Bonny & Mary Read

The Pirate Captain Ned Low: His Life and Mysterious Fate