M1 Abrams Reforger 83

Yes, they were.

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ok, i know that the exact color does not matter very much, as Gino (@HeavyArty ) taught me for uniforms and personal equipment “any shade of OD is right”, but I would like to have an exact starting point

Oh, thanks Gino

Ok, I’ll say the memory is foggy. Looking at some of my old photos of mine, these look green gray, almost like an RLM02


wow, great pics, thanks a lot

You’re welcome Lucio. Those are from spring 1985, once upon a time.

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Yep, colors can vary a lot. Lighting can have a strong effect too. Check out the tarp on this tank:

I don’t know if that is the actual color or the lighting or the film, but that sucker is gray!


Yes, I distinctly remember gray and light olive tarps for our tracks. The older ones were gray rubberized canvas while newer ones were the light olive vinyl type material.

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Then I believe we are peers, I was on duty in 1984.

@tankerken but into the the tarp there was the camo net?

Probably, along with other gear.

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Sounds about right. I enlisted in August of 1983. A different world back then.


I was June 83… A very very different world…that was when we had a proper sized Army… Very different from today :frowning:

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I see that like me you are nostalgic for the old days and not just for the passing years and the past youth even though we are still relatively young


Some more help with colors. Photo of sleeping mat with two different duffle bags and an ammo can, close up of sleeping mat. The mat is kind of a medium green, with a gray tone to it. The straps on it are green. Photos taken in full sunlight.

I enlisted (Delayed Entry Program) in 1979, even more different then.


@tankerken… End of the Carter years… you poor sod…

Simply amazing, thanks

Yeah, I always had one in my TA-50 though once I was at my duty station the only use it ever got was to haul it down from my wall locker and go to sleep on it in the barracks hallway when some daybeggar called an 0700 alert after I’d just worked a 12 hour midz shift. And it was definitely greenish gray, with green straps.

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By Desert Storm they were OD Green, at least my crews were.
Having an M60A1(low tech) We tried to make a thermal sleve using sleeping mats and straps. We could not get the straps tight enough to keep the Mats from sliding on the gun tube.


ok, i’m working on … snow, i’m trying the various types of snow i have available but honestly i don’t have one that really convinces me, the AK snow sprinkles might be suitable, but at the moment, due to this absurd emergency, I’m not able to buy it
These are some tests done on an old kit, some patches are still wet


ok, while I await the arrival of what could be the right type of snow to add on the front of the hull, I dedicated myself to the painting of the various backpacks to be added on the turret roof, acrylic base and oil paint