No. They were on hand in case the Germans used chemical weapons, but we never used them. I don’t believe they even got issued to troops/weapons/guns.
There was an incident in Italy, Anzio IIRC, where a cargo ship filled with chemical munitions was sunk in the harbor, exposing lots of US service men to Mustard agent. Huge mess.
Thanks Ken, I kinda figured that. I’ve been doing some research and while I couldn’t find anything detailed, the answer was no pretty much.
Finally some updates. I used a set of sandbags from value gear, but they were meant for a German tank. So I modified them a bit by adding a few sandbags on the bottom to get it to fit better.
I also put a spare road wheel on the front . I’ve seen so many in reference pics I thought I’d add one. I made a small plate to hold it in place and used a bolt and nut from Meng.
I also added some bars along the sides of the turret for hanging personal gear like back packs. Seems many late war Sherman’s did this. I have the back packs ready to paint and add with lead foil straps.
I’m in the process of painting the extra gear for the rear of the tank along with tarps from apoxie sculpt. Getting there!
Coming along nicely. Just one thing I just noticed: the D-clasps on the towing lugs seem unlikely to me. Since this tank has the double towing lugs, it was intended to have an L-shaped pin go through both of those lugs, so that a tow cable could be quickly connected by pulling out the pin, putting the cable’s eye between the lugs and pushing the pin through. Later, they would have a T-shaped attachment on the inner lug (the one that doesn’t have the step on it) on each side, for even quicker attachment of the tow cable.
See Sherman differential covers on the Sherman Minutia Website for pictures
I noticed that too late Jakko. I don’t know why I put those on there. I could probably cut them off if I’m careful. Thanks for the heads up!
There. Just gotta drill holes and put pins through.
No need to drill holes: cut a bit of plastic rod to fit between the tow lugs and add handle on the inside from plastic strip.
I’ll try that today , good idea