Just starting out on the new project. Real Model’s M52 conversion kit, a donor AFV M54 kit (not the Italeri M939 as I originally understood) and a civilian 1/32 trailer, complete with chrome rims and fittings.
I just washed the AFV sprues and it looks a beautiful kit. My first challenge is to get the frame length correct, while including the appropriate details on the frame rails.
On a related note, I was initially confused by what I found in the RM M52 box. Expected cab, doors, hood, griile, fuel tanks etc. Got fuel tanks, a 5th wheel and some brackets and PE.
Everything else is the AFV donor kit.
I think it will be a relatively straightforward build.
I suppose it is the AFV Club M54 kit. I also have the Real Model kit which however does not explain how to mount the fifth wheel. Mind you that in the M54 assembly instructions there is an error: page 7 Step 10 is missing the indication of the piece C51, which is used to assemble the steering. Good work!
That is what Real Model did with all their M54/M800 sets that are now labeled, “For AFV Club Kit”. The sets only contain the parts that are not in the kit. On something like the M52, it is not an issue since the parts needed are not really dependent on the frame width to properly fit. On other sets, the size difference between the AFV Club M54 and the Italeri M923/5 kits (which the resin parts were originally designed to fit) is more obvious as some parts don’t fit properly.
In case you did not start work on the 1/32 trailer; RM also produces a decent 1/35 M969 fueltrailer. It is a massive lump of resin, but the quality is adequate. It might be more to scale than your sligthly too large trailer.