M54 + M113 = instant gun truck!

now it’s simple make a M54 truck because is avaiable the AFV ones
some years ago you must start from Italeri M925… with a some critical modifications…
the nose must be heavly modificate and the tyre pattren was orrific…
rebuild hood and grill was not simple and i needed a lot of time to collect info and correct Karma to fix it


Interesting. Are you using the M925 cab to convert it?

yes, but very little remains of the original cabin
I thought that the armored cabin made the job easier as you didn’t need a very detailed interior
but … as always, handling thin parts is more difficult …

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The issue is that the M939 cab is too wide and overall too big. It looks wide in your pics, but could just be the pics.

A great article is archived at the old Armorama site by Dave “Animal” Willet on Creating an M54 Cargo Truck using the AFV Club M35A2 cab and Italeri M925 chassis, running gear, and bed. It may be helpful. I used it when I built my King Cobra gun truck a few years ago (2002, damn, it’s been 19 years…still have it too).

More pics of King Cobra here.


thank you for your support
i decided to use M925 because the overall dimensions are very similar
now the model is finished.
probably,in a far future I build a M52… I have two Monogram Tankers…

Real Model wheels ( not excellent ) is installed and the radiator grill is ready


grill fitted

my idea was to made King cobra but I had problem to made decal so I turn on a simpler writing


Looks like it is coming along well. I had to paint the “King Cobra” lettering and the cobra by hand on mine.

I’m not so able to manage by hand so elaborate paint
I prefer paint with masked decal “Paladin” on the side of M113

a bit of attention over the “load” the M113 Italeri


critical point is the edge of armor that collide with the wall side

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masking preparation is ready

new mirror support is fixed
and start with paont

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paint job start


Looks really good!
Great job on the conversion.

ok gentlemen
the truck was finished…
it’s not so simple… assebly cabin remain a big challange!
I debate for a long time with my friends of Zimmerit forum about the color of wheels if is bettter white or silver…i prefer white (it’s my personal choice…)
comments are welcome!


It turned out pretty well as a “representation” of an M54/M113 gun truck, but not a replica of an actual truck.

In reality, the late M54/M113 gun trucks were all black and the wheels would have been silver, not white. The bed of the truck should not have been cut to fit the M113 either. The front final drive covers were left on the M113s and this lifted them high enough to fit into the bed w/out modification. This is why the rear of the M113 is lower in the bed as opposed to the front. Also, the tail gate should have been left on the truck as it was usually used to get in/out of the M113. Lastly, the M113 should be strapped down to the truck at the front w/a tow cable running from one upper lifting hook, around the frame and back up to the other side lifting hook, with turnbuckles to tighten it all down. This kept them from sliding out the back.

Good job overall though.


thank you for your extra detail and information that you write me.
i’ll look better the photoes about the fixture of M113 on the bed, I had not removed the trasmission .
if I have understand well i had to remove the rear ramp?

No, the rear ramp on the M113 should remain in the up position as it is. You should not have removed the rear tail gate on the truck bed.
