M813 with Fuel Tanks and Pump Unit (TPU)

Need some advice. I’m planning bumper numbers for my M813 and plan to crib the ones on this truck. Can anyone give me their interpretation of the numbers in this pic please?
It’s really the letters on the top right that I cant read. :thinking:

TIA guys.


664 ORD = 664th Ordinance Company, 553rd Combat Sustainment Support Battalion, 1st Cav Division, Ft Cavazos (Hood), TX.

Left side would look something like - 1CAV on top, 553 CSSB below

ODS participation:

Southwest Asia
Defense of Saudi Arabia
Liberation and Defense of Kuwait



Blerry Hell Gino!

You’re The Oracle!

A huge help, as always.

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Yup, a fount of useless knowledge according to my wife. Naw, just a little research and “living the dream” and seeing bumper numbers for 23 1/2 years. After a while they are easy to decipher.


also colloquially known as Ft Cervezas
(according to @18bravo if I didn’t misunderstand that other topic)

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You did. And I was just talking to. Retired 3rd Group Sergeant Major yesterday. We both agreed Bragg will always be Bragg.


and one of these days they will try to rename the old M3 Lee tank as well …

History should not be erased, use it to spread knowledge instead.
Put a plaque with information on statues instead of pulling them down.
History is funny, there was one political party which was against slavery and the other defended it. Some people should look at their own history first …

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Careful. You’re in danger of being censored. Just like another infamous party liked to do. Lucky for you you can UN censor yourself! :joy:

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That would be unethical and dishonest :grin:
“I have investigated myself and found no evidence of any misconduct”
:wink: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


Rethink on that radiator; I’ve scratched a rad and if I can get our MikeyBugs to sell me another grille, I’ll try and position it ahead of the current location. (I tried to remove the grille from an earlier kit and resins’s pretty brittle and delicate).


Sorry, I’ve been away from the thread as I’m moving, but was wondering…
Like items of equipment, such as generators, trailers, radio shelters, etc, including fuel pods, were painted in camo prior to delivery to end-users. Being painted at the factory or depot, each type of equipment would have the same pattern and colors. Of course, if the pods had been delivered prior to when that process was initiated, then local needs would have dictated color and pattern.

Some yes, some no, it depends. That style of fuel pod was around (is still) for a long time. They could have been painted camo at the unit level, most likely by privates on extra duty, so not the best paint jobs.

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Sounds like most government departments


Started September’23, completed today. A few delays waiting for parts, wire etc and it was a complicated build for me.

Thanks to everyone for your support and guidance on this build. Much appreciated.


Man oh man! Two nice looking builds! I like the work lights on your pump unit, might have to steal that idea from you too. You’ve got me on my toes brother!

Cajun :crocodile:

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Great finishes on both builds.



Thanks Cajun, I saw those work lights on the instruction sheet from another TPU conversion kit, MMK I think. Just realized I left the tailgate chains off, but I’ll get to those tomorrow.

Great work on your M54 project, it’s looking great.

As you can see I’m pretty invested in AFV’s M54A2 kit as well.


Thanks Ralph, the one in back is a Real Model conversion from the Italeri M923. It was a fun build but pretty basic.


Looks great. It came out very nicely.


Oh my! You are a fan, I think this truck was the most fun build I’ve had in a long time.

Cajun :crocodile: