I got it finished up this weekend. I added a couple duffle bags and rucksacks in the front of the HEMTT bed. I also added a couple water bottle boxes and MRE cases, along with a tool box and an oil can at the back of the HEMTT bed. I dry-brushed selectively with some rust, mainly in the beds of the truck and the trailer. Then with a darker sandy color overall. Then I did a couple washes of first an earth brown color and then a sand color to give it some depth.
Here it is overall.
And some detail pics.
I added air lines and the electrical cable to the trailer. They are a stiff wire and disappear up under the truck along the air line gladhands and the trailer light connector.
I secured the MLRS loads with masking tape straps and used resin ratchets from Djiti Productions Ratchet Strap set. There are both open and closed versions in the set, and the hooks on the end of the HEMAT straps.
This one was really rewarding and I am very happy with how it turned out.