Coming along nicely Jan!
First crew member, some minor corrections and paint.
What do you think.
Well, he is giving the thumbs up (which is kind of cool) and so will I. looks nice and some very good sculpting
Nice, gone use it. Maybe not exact the same but it’s different as the normal figures in a dio
Start from the bitbox
Fitting in to place
Man that will be nice… i
f only I could…
Some top work with the extra stowage and detailing and how it’s been sculpted.
Really takes it up a few levels Jan, great build.
I also like red tip 1 in 5 trace on the .50 ammo. Nice.
You are bringing it to life nicely with the crew and their equipment Jan- as usual the sculpting is fantastic.
Tank you both,
Some more work in progress
The inspiration comes from a photo of a IDF female, bad I didn’t save it.
several parts from the bit box
You sure are making one of the nicer versions of a Merkava… I guess that is partly because of your sculpting skills, you can create a very original version, beautiful!!
Great progress, dont forget to add the wire from the .50 cal to the commanders cupola for the manual operation
And some photos for inspiration:
Thanks for the photo’s, always welcome and for the tips of Corse
All of those details bringing it to life.
Looking very good Jan
Great job you are doing Jan- it’s taking on a realistic appearance with the various bits of dirt and wear on the paintwork. The scuffs on the rubber at the bottom of the side skirts is a nice effect- they take quite a beating on the real vehicles and you’ve captured that accurately.