MikeyBugs 3D Design and Printing Ideas

The M1A1 carbines, M1911 pistols, and AK-12 rifles are all active and available on my hobbylink shop.




I’m still working on some orders. Some of these prints are giving me trouble. I’ve decided to go back to the Wanhao resin on the Mono X 6k, my large printer, because I prefer the quality from that resin even if it is more finicky to work with. So now I need to get used to that resin again.


Big news! Another printer has arrived. I’ve been having problems with my Mono X 6k so I decided to try a newer, better specc’d printer. I’ll post more pictures later but for now, just look at the size difference in the build plates! The smaller is the Mono.

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And here’s the beast. Anycubic Photon M3 Premium. I didn’t realize just how large it is and it practically dwarfs my Mono X. Just a huge printer overall.

Edit: the M3 Premium is an 8k printer vs 6k for my older large one. Not too much of a difference, the pixel size is 28.5 vs 35 μm between them, but it could be a bit noticable in the amount of detail present. With this one, I can actually have smaller details render more than before and flat curves could be smoother with the smaller pixels. When I make room, I can post a comparison picture of the two.


This is the AK-12 off of the new printer.

And two pieces from the Larkspur set. Right was printed on the new 8k printer, the left on the Mono X 6k. While the differences are slight, I do see slightly better, more defined details from the higher resolution printer.


Regardless on what the directives were in the ETO the photographers usually had a 45 sidearm and also a carbine packed in the Jeep. Their driver would have a 45 and a Thompson.
Halloran (165th SPC) said they would stop first at an aid station to pick up weaponry before heading out on an assignment.

(More items that could be added to the "Photographer’s Set.)

p.s. a 45 in a leather holster would also be nice though there are already very nice holstered 45s in plastic with the US embossed on the leather.

Seen below: British made (or so I am told) 45 leather holster. This one has had many coats of Neat’s Foot Oil over time so it has lost it’ warm red/brown fresh natural color many, many years ago.

(Shown here with theatrical “prop” weapon.)


Mike, how’s it going?

The holster would be too much for my limited skilled. Scanned, though, it’s doable.

Anyone up for a Mauser 98k and stripper clips?


Ooh! That’s very nice…

I tried to base it off a mid-production model 98k. But I have a feeling there’s a mix of early and late in there.

Here’s an early war (1940) K98.

Here’s a late war (1944) “Kriegsmodell” K98. They started doing the more simplified components in order to increase production numbers.

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Damn I just realized I forgot the sling attachment points on the stock. Good thing I haven’t put it through the printer yet.

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Mike. Once agsin i am willing to ship it to you for scanning if you think it would be worth while for you.
I would include the 45 which is just a theaterical prop anyway.

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Sure. I assume the prop is somehow marked as a prop so that USPS knows?

It is not marked as a theraterical prop but I would include a very clear notation.

The 45 is a heavy weight all plastic repro with a working action and a removable clip.

Sure, send it over. I’ll take a crack at scanning it. Should be easier than trying to scan the helmets.

Also, M256 barrel.


We still need “stripper clips” (film holders) for the Speed Graphic!

I forget but did you have any dimensions for the holders?

Also, I think this rifle needs no introduction. Sorry for the low quality pictures, took them late at night with my cell phone.


Scroll back i dimensioned the holders for you some time ago as well as the flash unit.

Ok I’ll take a look.

They are either here or on your IM board.

Post #398 on this thread.