Mini-Art Campaign 2021

sorry, i now realize that question wasn’t for me…

back to your regular programming…

Thanks for the heads up! I am assuming the circled parts are the blocks?

Correct. On my kit the fit was a bit sloppy not snug so getting them squared up was challenging.

What I found on my T-55A kit was that they fit snug, the problem I see is that the hull bottom flexes easily making it difficult to line up.

Thanks for the heads up, I’ll be sure to take my time with the alignment. There are some insanely small parts on this kit I can see being a challenge too.

Phil some options for a jig.

Hobbytrax. Link is working. They have few kit track jigs.

I have few different sets, they are helpful if your not using ca glue then glue doesn’t stick.

Another option is from Vertigo Jig you can get thru UMM-USA.


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The joy of Miniart kits. They give you lots of detail but that comes at a cost. If you don’t already have one, I recommend a micro saw. My personal favorite and go to is from UMM-USA but other similar ones should work. This allows you too remove parts without breaking especially if they have more then one sprue gate. A must for Miniart and Bronco kits imho. I have used it on my kit.



Is this kind of what I am looking for in a saw?

He’s talking about this.

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I saw those but can’t seem to locate them anywhere near me. Was hoping not to have to order one, as shipments from the states to me are very slow right now.

Does the saw I provided a picture of serve the same purpose?

Some work in progress.

I suppose it should work.
I would need to check. I have something similar to what you are showing. I know mine is a lot thicker then the razor saw i posted.

The one at my local store has a .008” thick blade with 52 teeth per inch if that helps

Yes that too. Next time I do one I think I will build up the entire hull tub then add the blocks.

I couldn’t resist the MiniArt 20% off discount either. I was thinking it would be fun to join this campaign but I didn’t have anything but figures and a T-55 (so not in the mood) from them. Problem solved. Now to decide which one to build.


It possible can, I have a zona saw very similar to what you posted but never tried to remove plastic parts with it. The negatives in my opinion would be the long blade and thick spine would make it difficult to get into the small areas. Those attributes work great for other types of cutting, like resin pour blocks.

CMK and RP tools or other pe blades for example are similar to the JLC, those might be easier to get locally then from the US.

Nice haul!

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Thanks for the info. The saw in question was a zona tools so it probably won’t work. Maybe I’ll just order the right tool instead of breaking small parts

Where are you located?

I’m in Canada