Quick question would using most / half of a lower interior from Miniart inside a different brand model kit to create an interior for it which doesn’t exists otherwise count as a Miniart build??
Quick question would using most / half of a lower interior from Miniart inside a different brand model kit to create an interior for it which doesn’t exists otherwise count as a Miniart build??
I hear you Joseph. Many times I’ve been more than a bit nervous watching the number of available links dwindle while there still seemed to be a mile of assembly to go. You are doing a fantastic job on that teeny tiny tank…
Exactly how I felt as I saw the number of tracks go down. Thanks for the compliment!
Very nice, lucky you to have them done, I am still in the middle of them.
Are these also the workable tracks, if yes, did you glue them?
My T-70 has the workable tracks but I still need to glue them as I got frustrated with tracks not holding to each other while I tried to add more pieces to them.
There was a Mini-art diorama campaign, but I think it was based around the ruin kits they sell and not vehicles.
Also, I am about to embark on a personal campaign to build all my Panzer III kits (minus Stugs) this year, and one is a Mini-Art kit so I want to include it in this campaign assuming I do manage to finish all of the kits.
Thanks! The tracks that came with my T-60 is not workable. And yes, I did glue the them together. I just completed an MT-LB and I used workable tracks. I got frustrated too, I ended up gluing them.
Very neat, your work is very good, I follow it
Welcome! I’ll be interested to see how the panzer iii builds go.
@panzernl & @SabreSquadron. Yes very common solution. I just put the AFV Club ‘workable’ T-80 track links together for my M40 for the Korea Campaign. No glue is called for according to the instructions. Slip the guide horn in between links, push the end connector over a pin in each link and repeat… 5 links together then the the end connectors work their way off as you try and add more. All fully glued, non-workable links now, but very fragile. Will have to glue them to the road wheels and return rollers to add strength.
The Mini-Art is the odd man out, construction-wise, since it has a different suspension than the production models and likely will take me the longest but I think I can make the deadline. The Dragon kits are 4 old tool kits and the remaining 6 include the torsion bars and more PE/Magic Tracks/DS crap. I have built 8 Pz IV and 6 Pz III kits by Dragon already so I am approaching this like an assembly line. It’s too cold to airbrush properly where I am right now so I have a few months to crank them before worrying about the paint stage. And half of them are gray, so paint will be easy-peasy. As an elderly lady woodworker told me once, I can do this.
Just a small update, finished up the pneumatic pump and started weathering the firewall.
All these mini models within a model.
Looking good. That’s my job for the weekend! I’m at the same stage, as well as sanding and painting the 20 shells for the ready rack
Yeah lots of fiddly work with that pump.
I have now finished a bit of the bricks using browns, brown-orange mixes, red orange mixes, Etc. and filling in most with a brown orange red mix.
here are some photos!
(I also put some putty in the cracks under the house (I have to paint it now) to seal that up.)
the LAP-7 has been primered… 4BO tomorrow, waiting on 6K brown to arrive so that is likely to be next week
will be dusting off build 2 ahead of a start next weekend - Pz III Ausf D (another one with odd suspension)
When you’re done could you then start on my bathrooms?
it’ll cost you…
The neighbor at the corner has several kids so I can obtain as many arms and legs as you’ll need.
that’ll be very useful.
I’ll head over soon!
And so it begins:
The turret top from the T-34/85 interior kit. I’m not sure why I got it in my head to start with the turret, but that’s what I decided to do. I cut the molded on attachment points off the back of the turret (for a different variant), drilled out the locating holes for the grab bars, and started off with adding two piece of PE to the turret roof. There is not a tremendous amount of PE in this kit. For that I am thankful.
Where the attachment points were I smeared some Tamiya extra thin and then stabbed at it with a brush in an attempt to give it a very subtle textured look (like the rest of the turret). I’ll get a little primer on it and see how that actually worked.